Fate vs Consequence

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A/N- SORRY!!!!! DON'T KILL ME! At least let me explain before I die! I had school to start and high school at that. I've not been to public school since fifth grade. And I usually did stories in class. Anyway I should have updated and I really wanted to, but school really did get in the way. I know I've been updating my oneshot story though, but those were things I made with friends, I mean we need SOMETHING to do when we hang out. But this story I wanted to make by myself. I think it's working...

One more thing. I've noticed that this story is depicting Naruto as a little depressed. He's NOT depressed. I know it looks like he is harming himself to release pain, but he's really not. It's part of his character and for plots sake of seeing just how bad it could've gotten. I think Naruto is a LOT smarter then he let on, or at least should have been. With the past he's had it's amazing that he can still be happy and smile. And that's what I wanted people to see, that he's just that awesome.

So on to the story!

The white moon stood out against the black starless sky. It was full. A swift sound of the wind moving the ground. Then silence. A sudden gasp echoed through the air, but barley anyone heard. More silence and then the sound of blood against pavement.

Sand poured out of the sound shinobi's chest. A look of absolute shock. 

"You shouldn't be out. Humans need sleep."a gruff voice said. Sleepless eyes looked up in front of him. The sand came back to the shinobi who was sitting on the fish.

"I came to talk to the sleepless raccoon" the figure in front of him said in a somewhat amused voice. 

"Those whiskers look cute, foxy." Garra said looking at the sky "So why does Kyuubi come to see me, or should I say him."

"You know?" Naruto said not seeming surprised, but was.

"He told me..." Garra said studying him. "What does he want?" 

"The furball doesn't want anything...I do" Naruto said.

"What?" Garra said calmly.

"Go easy on him tomorrow." the blonde said.

"And why would I do that?" the red head replied.

"Because, if you don't, I'll be after you." Naruto said with a quiet smirk.

"Why do you want to protect them? Don't they hurt you?" Garra asked shifting in a way that Naruto knew he was interested.

"I want to protect them because if I don't all they'll ever see me as is a demon." Naruto said back with no hesitation.

"But you are"

"Demons are based on what you do, not what you are..." Naruto said and looked at the dead sound nin "Are you a demon?" he asked.

"I need something to prove I exist... If they want me to be a demon, then I will be." Garra said.

"You know it's never to late to change..." Naruto said back.

"SHUT UP! I don't you! You're their weapon! THEY HATE YOU! I even saw you at the hospital. He was going to ditch you... your own sensei" Garra said.

"I know, and I don't mind...they may hate me, but they hate me less..."Naruto replied. He then left, with no room for discussion. 


The day of the final exam, Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Garra, Kankuro, Shino, Temeri, and Shikamaru all stood there. The sound nin was missing, but no one paid heed to that.

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