It's Simple

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One week before the finals start~

It was one week before the final round and Sasuke had learned Chidori. It's been 3 weeks since the prelims. 3 weeks since he'd started training. And 3 weeks since he's seen Naruto. He was honestly a bit worried, and from what Sakura had told him and Kakashi when they came into town. No one has seen the whisker marked blonde in awhile. It worried him a bit.

Kakashi was having similar thoughts, so they decided to eat at the Ichiraku ramen shop. Naruto's favorite place in the world.

"Hey what can I do ya for?" Teuchi asked (If yall don't know who he is, go in a hole and kill yourself)

"Hey can I have one beef ramen" Kakashi asked.

"And I'll have Tomato" Sasuke said.

"Coming right up!" Teuchi said and then Ayame walked in the door.

"Hey dad!" she said.

"Ayame, where'd you run off to" Teuchi asked.

"Oh nowhere, just getting some ink for Naru" Ayame said and put down the bag she was holding.

"Why would he need ink?" Kakashi asked.

"Dunno, maybe you should ask him." Ayame said "And maybe check up on him, he came two days ago for ink and he looked like a total wreck"

"How so?" Sasuke asked.

"His hair was a mess, he looked like he hadn't slept in ages and his stomach kept making growling sounds, but he insisted he wasn't hungry and all he needed was ink." Ayame said.

"At least thats not as bad as 1 weeks ago, remember when he came in" Teuchi laughed "That's how you know he's been working hard"

"Dad that's not funny, I would have considered him the walking dead!" Ayame scolded her father.

"What did he look like then?" Sasuke inquired.

"Oh that time, his hands were all bandaged up and his palms had blood soaked through and Ayame started to freak out."

"He could've been really hurt" Ayame protested

"Anyway, his cloths were not dirty more like torched, but not burned off." Teuchi said

"hmm that's interesting"Kakashi said.

"I just hope he's not taking soldier pills, to pull off these intense work outs" Ayame said

"You know it's probably true, Ayame" Teuchi said solemnly.

"What's wrong? Why can't the dobe have soldier pills?" Sasuke asked.

"Well one day, when Naruto was still in the academy, Naruto said he had to train but he was too tired to do so because he hadn't slept the night before. So Ayame gave him a soldier pill." Teuchi began.

" it worked but when the effects wore off the next day,  he ended up getting really sick." Ayame said guiltily.

"We've told Naruto to never take soldier pills again, but if he takes the pills, he'll either keep taking them to prevent sickness, but that will cause sleep depravation. Or he'll just get sick." Teuchi said.

"Our point is, can you please check up on him. We're worried." Ayame said putting down their bowls of ramen.

"Yeah of course. I'm sure everything is fine, right Sasuke?" Kakashi said and turned to Sasuke with a contemplative look.

"Why does he want ink?" Sasuke mumbled to himself.

"My best guess was Fuun-jutsu like he was supposed to learn. When he came in he kept scribbling this language into his hand, looked like sealing jutsu but then again I'm not a ninja." Teuchi said.

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