The Deal

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It was 4:54. Naruto was shaking outside the Inuzuka compound front door. 

Ok he told himself It's just a dinner. And don't worry, Kiba is there. Hana-san won't do anything as long as Kiba is there. Just stay by Kiba. He took a deep breathe and rang on the doorbell.

A few moments later, Hana came and opened the door. She looked down on him with a smile.

"Come in, Uzumaki-kun" she said opening the door to let him step inside. "Kiba's at the table. Dinner will be ready in a moment." she said leading him to the dining room where Kiba sat, and disappearing in the kitchen. He breatheed deeply and sat down across from Kiba.

"Uhh Naruto" Kiba said "That's where my sister sits" he said blandly, but was amused when Naruto blushed red and took the seat next to him.

"S-sorry" he said a bit loudly.

"Haha no problem" Kiba grinned a few more minutes of silence and then Naruto asked.

"How's the dog?" 

Kiba grinned and replied "He's ok, just a few minor fractures and some malnourishment. Thank for bringing him here!" Naruto blushed.

"No problem" he said and then the door rang. Kiba jumped to get it and ran out of the room. A minute later, he came back in with Hinata and Shino in tow. Naruto felt a bit better. With team 8 there not only will things be less awkward, but Hana can't reprimand Naruto for the fox.

Hana soon came out with the food. Naruto took a polite amount and they began eating in silence. Soon Kiba broke it.

"Hey Naruto. How's training been going?" he asked and with a feral grin asked "Did you come up with any cool new jutsus?" Naruto blushed and shook his head.

"No just a bunch of drilling. What about you guys?" he said quickly trying to change the topic but alas, no such luck.

"hmm I've seen you in the chunin exams Uzumaki-kun. Quite extraordinary." Hana commented. Naruto blushed.

"Yeah, that dragon jutsu was awesome!" Kiba added.

"I'm curious to know how you came up with such a jutsu" Shino said

"Well actually, I just looked up a bunch of things and mashed them together, no big deal" Naruto said with a blush and Hinata blushed across him when they met eyes.

"You know you don't have to be so quiet Uxumaki-kun" Hana said and Naruto blushed again.

"I'm sorry, I never really got to do things like this when I was younger." Naruto said quietly.

"Yes but surly your sensei has you for these types of things" Shino said.

"No he's really busy and I never got these kinds of things growing up because I was an orphan." Naruto admitted.

"Yeah but your gaurdian must have let you do somethings" Kiba said.

"I... never had a gaurdian" Naruto confessed "I was put in a few homes but they were never right. Eventually I got my own apartment, because I didn't do so well in the orphanage..." Naruto said staring at his food and when he looked up, everyone was staring at him. "What?" he asked. Hana seemed like she wanted to growl, Shino was normal if not for the angry glare that was barly there and Hinata seemed on the verge of tears.

"That's seriously screwed up man" Kiba commented

After dinner, Naruto was talking to Hana about the dog Naruto had found earlier that day. Kiba and Shino were also talking.

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