Of Memories and Phobias

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The Jinchuriki were walking home after that little spar, and despite their mask of victory, it was harder than expected. They had never had such a work out before and usually they would be jumping for a victory dinner, because they still had all that energy. But they didn't have that energy and that is what really irked them more then anything. So instead of babbling they slunk home in silence, wanting to contemplate a new more vigorous training regimen.

They were thinking, but not about training or battles. And they certainly weren't thinking the same thoughts. Albeit they subconsciously knew the general topic each one of their teammates were thinking, they didn't dwindle on this.

It was times like these that they wanted to be alone, but they just wanted for another presence and they all understood this. So they walked in silence.


Children were playing along the sandy playground. Kicking a ball to each other in a friendly game. Laughter could be heard. Playfulness could be heard. Happiness could be heard.

A little red head stood in the showdowns watching the happiness. Hearing the absolute joy of the children. Seeing the effects of normalcy.

He hated it.

He despised it. Clenching his tiny fists in anger. Why was life so cruel to him. The only person who claimed to love him, tried to kill him. Betrayal hurt the most. His siblings were banned from playing with him. But he knew that they wouldn't play with him even if they weren't. They were afraid of him too. His own father, who was supposed to have pride in him, tried to kill him. Everyone tried to kill him.

And it filled him with so much loneliness.


"Hey Naruto, Garra, Kana!" a voice said behind them, they all turned to see Sakura coming out of the hospital. When did they get there? Were they wondering that long? 

"Hey Sakura" Naruto turned all the way around and studied her. She had bandages on her arm, and Sai and Sasuke were following behind her.

"It's a miracle you can stand, Uchiha" Garra said, it really was a deathly attack, they might've held back power wise.

"Hn" Sasuke grumbled, and looked at them "I could've sworn you were burnt" looking at Kana. Kana gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her head.

"Yeah, I get reckless, but I got the fastest healing capabilities so I'm good" Kana said

"Well you certainly passed the teamwork portion" Sai smiled fakely.

"Yes, it was very amusing" Garra said in his tone of indifference. "You sure did give us a tough time"

"You've gotten stronger" Naruto commented looking at the pink hair. Sakura blushed.

"As did you"

"Give Kumo a run for their money"

"Suna too"

"anyway what did you need us for?" 

"Well" Sakura shifted a bit "We were wondering if you guys want to get some dinner with us." 

"Sure where to?" Naruto answered, Sakura seemed to cheer up a bit. Something he was not used to. He stiffened a bit.

"The sushi place!" Sakura bursted out. Kana seemed to visably get happier, but then slumped her shoulders. She loved sushi but as most things go, she didn't like awkwardness.

"Sorry, whiskers, sandy, gotta blast." Kana said and jumped across the roof tops for home before anyone could stop her. 

"That was strange" Garra said "She loves raw fish" 

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