Our Teammate

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She slipped over to Shikamaru, who was stalk still, but didn't appear shocked. "Nara Shikamaru. Lazy. Genius. IQ of over 200. Mostly  strategist, so when it comes to battle someone can easily trump him if his opponent fast enough" she lent in to the shocked Nara and pulled off his tie making his hair come down to his shoulders "You know in life you don't get a second chance to strategize" Shikamaru was staring wide eyed as she moved on to Temeri and started play with the stock still blonde's hair.

"Temeri. Older sister of Garra. The head of the diplomats in Suna. Uses wind style chakra that seems to be fast"Kana took out her hair and her medium length hair fell into shaggy strands" but that fan only has to much range. And your wind only has so much power."

She moved on to Sakura.and walked in close circles around her "Haruno Sakura. Only the second apprentice to Tsunade Senju. Was once apart of the lovly team seven, before your 'sunshine' walked out on you. Skilled at medical ninjutsu. Very strong." Kana slipped off her hetaiat "Easily angered. Useless when having to come up with a hasty decision. Also, what a big forehead you have" Kana said tying it to her forehead. For some reason Sakura couldn't move.

Kana slipped over to Sasuke "Uchiha Sasuke. Was also a former member of team seven. And target to the sanin Orchimaru. Has been taught by the hypocritical Kakashi of the Sharingon himself. And is one of the heartthrobs of Konoha" Kana giggled as she started to play with Sasuke's hair "I wonder what Itachi would say if he saw how his brother grew up to be so strong. I'm sure he'd be proud. He was a prodigy wasn't he. Man I wonder, if he wasn't trying to kill me, if he;d go out with me" Sasuke's fist shook in rage. Kana went to in front of him "Oh but wasn't he the one to kill his entire family." she giggled a bit "Except you". Sasuke's Sharingon activated. "Oh such pretty eyes" Kana giggled "But not as good  Itachi's" she pushed his head to the side and went to her next victim, leaving Sasuke with his head to the side and his Sharingon faded away.

Kana circled around Hinata. "Hyuuga Hinata. Heir to the Hyuuga, incredibly beautiful and nice. Like a little princess" Kana  un tied Hinata's hetiat " But as pretty as our little kitten is, she's too nice to be heiress and her younger sister, who is three years her younger,  totally dominates her in being a shinobi" Kana tied the hetiat around the shaking heiress's eyes.

Kana moved on to Neji who was keeping his eyes firmly on her and she smirked " And last but not least Hyuuga Neji." she said taking his hair out and took part of it wrapping it around him as she went around him. "Prodigy of prodigies. Has more talent them the main branch but was born in the branch family by 3 seconds of fate. " Kana took the other half of his hair and started to go the other direction " Also a Konoha Heartthrob, but when he was younger dispite his Byokugon, was blind of emotion" she tied his tie back in and took his face. "And lost his  father on the heir's account" she laughed and walked away from the raging Hyuuga. But he still couldn't move.

She walked back to her team, who were looking a bit guiltily and pitifully sorry at the 6 shinobi. Kana snapped her fingers and they could suddenly move again. Shikmaru was shaking.  Temeri pulled on her hair. Sakura fell her knees and cried with her hands on her hetaiat. Sasuke's Sharingon was out and fists shaking in rage. Hinatafell to her knees as well and hugged herself and shaking. Neji, who was tied up in his own hair, came out with his Byokugon.

"How did you know that!" he and Sasuke demanded, Kana snickered.

"I like to be well informed" she said and walked away. No one stopped her.

Naruto and Garra looked at the 6 humiliated shinobi and then for the first time noticed the senseis that were right behind their students. Their faces one of horror. When they got out of their horror they went to their respective students. Asuma went to Shikmaru who was now holding Temeri. Kakashi was holding Sakura and having Sasuke shake in rage next to him, with an uncontrolled Sharingon. Kurenai was holding Hinata and Gai was untying Neji.

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