Questions and Guilt

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"Run out of words bee?" Kana asked before the door swung open.

"Bee, Yobi. We're spending the next two nights here in Konoha." Came the booming voice of the Raikage. Bee and Hitori got up and Kana did so too out of habit.

"Why do you insist on calling the Hachibi, Bee?" the cranky old voice of the Tsucheikage droned. Kana coughed at the voice in surprise.

"Didn't know the Tsuchikage was gonna be here." Naruto whispered to Garra and Garra nodded.

"I at least have some respect for what they do" the Raikage countered.

"Yeah respect cause he's your brother. You don't even call me by my name and we're the same village." Kana grumbled indigently. The Raikage and Tsuchikage's eyes scanned the group of teens, before settleing their stare to Kana. The Raikage looked away, refusing to meet eye contact and the Tsuchikage looked dead at her, his face void of emotion. This puzzled Kana and most of the Jinchurriki. Usually the Raikage would hold himself confidently. He would say things with no doubt and would meet his cold gaze with anyone. The Tsuchikage, to her and the rest of the Jinchurriki at least, would always have some kind of disgust or sick pleasure when looking or talking to them. So this behavior baffled all who knew them.

"Nibi- I mean Nashiki." the Raikage started in his usual voice. The name switch was surprising to Kana, she remembered being called Nashiki only when matters of child care for her sister was the topic.

"Sir" she said almost unsurely, whatever this is was either really good or really bad. And considering her luck right now, this was gonna be bad.

"You are still the caretaker of Nashiki Saki. Am I correct?" the Raikage knew the answer. Kana didn't trust anyone in the village with her sister. She paid for Saki's tuition for the academy and some food finances and a house, even when she was on her time with JAS. She'd send some of the money she made during missions to Saki, because unlike Konoha there was no orphan funding. She took care of Saki's medical bills and health care. But in these past 6 years there hasn't been any problems with her little sister.

"Yes sir." she said, and in a really over protective, anxious burst out "Is something wrong with Saki!?" as any good big sister, that practically ditched her younger sister when the younger was 6, would say.

"Ehem. Nibi, burst outs of any kind will be inexcu-" the Tsuchikage never got to finish.

"No, no. It's alright. I am talking to Ms.Nashiki as a caretaker, not a Jinchurriki." the Raikage put out a hand and stepped forward and put the other on Kana's stiff shoulder and looked her in the eye with...was that...SYMPATHY!?!?! Kana stiffened more. Naruto and Garra didn't like this and Hitori had a hand over her mouth, her eyes watering with tears. Bee looked down.

"Sir?" Kana's voice cracked "Is there-"

"Nashiki Saki, died in the line of duty." That was it. Those 8 words set off a trigger of reactions. Garra gripped his hands. Hitori let her tears loose and Bee comforted her. Naruto stepped forward to offer some form of comfort to his teammate, but was stopped.

"What" Kana said dangerously low tone, the Tsuchikage was about to talk but she beat him to the punch "Forgive me Raikage- sama. I don't understand." she said,before the Raikage could speak she added "She's 12 if I'm not mistaken. She should be Genin, so care to explain to me, how you let a Genin die in the line of duty." Kana's expression was unreadable and her words in a harsh whisper. The Raikage was not fazed by this though, he let go of Kana.

"Saki, was a jonin mind you. She earned the rank at age 10. She graduated Genin at age 8, was Chunin in that year and died in an A rank mission." The Raikage informed. Kana was stalk still, as were Naruto, Garra, Neji and Sasuke. 10.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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