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"Ok" Sasuke said flying through the trees. "Our mission is to go to a village destroyed by the Akatsuki. We have to find any survivors and intel." Sasuke broke down. He was the mission leader for the mission.

"The village is a secluded village some ways away from the border between the land of water and fire. It's not a ninja village, so we don't why it was targeted." Neji said. The three jinchuuriki nodded.

"Do you know what the village is called?" Gates asked.

"I believe the Kunaoe village." Hinata answered.

"Kunaoe? Never heard of it." Kana mumbled to herself. "It's near the water boarder so I'm guessing that if we haven't gotten anymore reports on the Akatsuki then the group is in the land of water."

The group landed in the entrance of the village. Dark clouds seemed to fill the sky and the village seemed...grey. The buildings were torn down and burnt and the ground was wet but black and ashy. Everything seemed a bit damp as it was light drizzling.

"Well there goes scent tracking. Matatabi and Kurama are useless now." Kana grumbled to herself.

"Kana" Garra motioned her over she came " look" he pointed to the wood.

"That was torn down by a water style technique... the only Akatsuki member who is from Kiri is..."

"Kisame" Garra said bluntly "that means Itachi has been here too" Kana looked back to the Konoha group.

"Byokugon" Neji said and activated his blood line. "Nothing so far"

" why would they attack a non shinobi village?" Hinata asked as she looked at the broken village.

"I don't know.." Sasuke answered and looked at Naruto who seemed out of it. He seemed in a daze since they left the village. "Naruto?" Sasuke called just to get nothing. He wanted to try again but Kana stopped him.

"He's hyperfocusing Uchiha" kana said walking over with Garra. Sasuke furrowed his brow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sasuke asked.

"It means he's too far into his thoughts to be actually aware of the world" Garra answered. "You have to shake him" Kana took Narutos should and nudged it. He immediately snapped out of it.

"Itachi was here" she said simply. Sasuke and Neji snapped to attention.

"How do you know?" Neji asked.

"Simple, the water techniques used on some of the wood. Kisame is the only Akatsuki member who is from Kiri directly and Akatsuki travel in pairs. He's paired with Itachi." Kana explained. Sasuke clenched his fists. So Itachi was here, he's the one who did this. Before Sasuke could continue his brooding naruto said something.

"Someone's sad" that's all it took and Naruto was going to a building and going in the cracks. A minute later he came out with a frightened child. The child kicked him and punched him and yelled for him to let go and he only did so once everyone was surrounding him.

"G-go away... there's nothing... there's nothing to destroy!" The kid yelled out and started crying "there's nothing left..." he grabbed his hair " no one left.." the kid fell to his knees. "Why...why am I ALIVE? Why am I still here!" Well that certainly escalated quickly. The kid was thinking suicidal thoughts and everyone knew it. Hinata was on the verge of tears. Kana bent down.

"Hey kid" she said gently " we are here to help. Do you know where any of your friends or family are?" It was risky but they needed to know. Kana knew this kid didn't want to think about his family, it would break him, but they needed to know. Kana was heartless enough to bring it up bluntly and calmly. That's just the way she was inside. The kids tears welled up.

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