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                                                  Requested by 

       It has been two years since the last time you've seen your darling Gilbert. He left for war when you were fifteen, but he never returned. You never received any letters, no news, no sign of him living. You began to lock yourself in your room, crying yourself to sleep every night.

       Weren't you important to him? Could he have forgotten you? If he was alive would he love you as you do him? Or will his feelings be different and his leaving you was the right thing to do? Thousands upon thousands of questions lingered in your brain. Many more became treacherous and began to eat away at your conscience.

       If he is alive, and he comes back, I'm going to kill him.  You thought to yourself. You were going to hurt him as much as he had hurt you. You didn't care if he didn't love you back, all of the pain he had caused you made you bitter and mean.


        It's been ten years since you last saw Gilbert. All of your promises you made to yourself when you were seventeen soon faded away and became empty. You met someone new, a man that wouldn't hurt you as much as Gilbert had. But oddly, this particular man seemed familiar. 

        He reminded you of Gilbert in a way, he always said the word awesome before anything and he had his red eyes. But unlike Gilbert, his name was Prussia. He was sweet and caring, he never was angry at you for anything. You knew he loved you and you loved him. 

       But deep down, something told you that he wasn't who you thought he was. Shamefully you shook your head at the thought as you picked up the note Prussia had left you. He had left that morning to to an emergency conference at work. You two were newly wed, married just two months ago. You smiled as you read his note, not knowing what was written at the end.

Dear Y/n,

                        I love you dearly and am proud to call you my wife! My life was nothing compared to what it's like now. I love you so much and will miss you while I'm away at my conference. However, there is something I've been meaning to tell you . . . I'm not who you think I am. Before you begin to panic and think up many unflattering things about me, I must tell you what my secret is. 

        My veal name is Gilbert, ve met vhen we vere just children but I had to go to var, do jou remember that? Leaving jou was agony and I tried to find jou vhen I came home. I looked everyvhere for jou but it seemed that jou had moved avay from vour h/t (hometown). Vhen I finally found jou once more, I vas elated with happiness! 

       I did feel guilty about my leaving jou but it all vent away after ve vere ved. Please don't be angry vith me. I have yet to tell jou one more secret, Prussia is a name of a country, it used to be great and poverful before it came to ruin. Are jou ready for ze next part? I represent that country. Once Prussia falls, I vill to. The good news is that I have kept my country from falling but it von't last forever.

       The conference I'm at right now is a vorld conference (yes there are more people like me). All of the different country's of the vorld go to these meetings to help solve our country's problems or needs. Ve all try to be mature and talk things through but it alvays end up in an argument. I also vant to let jou know zat I have a brother, as jou know him as my 'cousin', Ludwig. He's the representative of Germany. Dearest Y/n, I vant jou to know that vhat ever jou're feeling right now; anger, hatred, sadness, I know vhat it's like. I hated keeping zis secret from jou, I hated being avay from jou all these years more. But I vant jou to know that I love and cherish jou.

-Gilbert; "Prussia"

       You felt tears run down your face as you cried silently. Prussia was really Gilbert and a country? It was too much to process. You needed to think this through. You got up from the floor and walked towards the kitchen. You made yourself some hot cocoa and put some marshmallows in it. 

        You felt a hand grip your shoulder and let out a loud gasp. You looked up to find a familiar pair of ruby red eyes looking down at you sadly. You began to cry and wrapped your arms around him. "Why didn't you tell me" You whispered in his ear. You felt his tears fall onto your hair as he quietly sobbed with you. 

       "Because ze stupidly avesome me vas afraid of losing jou." He cried softly. You heard him whimper and gave him a soft - sweet peck on the lips. "You will never lose me Gilbert." You answered him.

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