Spain Nyotalia

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             (1) "Ugh! ¡¿Por qué yo?! ¡Ese inútil saco de patatas!" Isabel shouted as she fell over a sack of potatoes. She grimaced as she saw the dark purple bruise start to form on her ankle. (2)"¡Torpeza, mi viejo enemigo!" She announced as she picked herself up and and gracefully walked over to a cupboard.

Isabel pulled out some salsa and a bag of tortilla chips to snack on. She went over to the couch and turned on Marimar and dug in to her food. After binge watching two seasons, she got up off the couch and glanced at the clock. (3)"Fudge pepitas y espolvorea! ¡Me olvidé de la escuela mañana!" She exclaimed as she quickly threw away the empty bag of chips and put away the salsa. She then scurried out of the kitchen and ran upstairs to get ready for bed.

After she showered, she brushed her hair and teeth, picked out clothing for tomorrow, and made sure her homework was completed. (4)"Dios me golpee con un rayo si me olvido de algo!" She prayed as she burrowed underneath the warm bedding and drifted off to sleep.

(1) Ugh! Why me?! That useless sack of potatoes!

(2) Clumsiness, my old foe!

(3) Fudge nuggets and sprinkles! I forgot that school's tomorrow!

(4) God, strike me down with lightning if I forgot something!

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