Germany Nyotalia

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              Sweat. Blood. Determination. That's her motto. Monika was training for all of her upcoming games. She had softball, football(yes football, girls can play too!), soccer, swimming, track, lacrosse, and cross country. She was determined to win each and every game, no matter the cost. She grunted and panted as she did another set of push-ups and did three laps around the football field. Sweat was dripping down her face, causing her hair to stick to her tanned complexion.

               She huffed as she finished her last lap and jogged over to her water bottle. She drank greedily and wiped the water off of her chin as she set it down. She looked at thee time on her phone and saw that it was getting late so she headed home for the night. The sun began to set, causing the sky to color itself pink, gold, orange, purple, and red. When she was approaching the street she lived on the sky was already dark. Stars shimmered and glittered in the darkness, a crescent moon was alight in the sky. Monika sighed in content as she walked into her house and threw herself on her couch tiredly. Soon enough fatigue consumed her and she drifted off to sleep. 

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