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                                                 Requested by Animejazzy123

                   Peter was restless. His stomach had knots in it and his heart was doing summersaults. Today was the day he was going to become a country. He got ready and headed towards England's home early so he could help set up. When he arrived he went to knock on the door but was enveloped into a bear hug.

                 Peter's gaze flicked up to Alfred's eyes and he smiled. Oh how Peter was so excited to be his own country! Never again will he be forgotten unlike Matt. (Sorry guys, I love Mattie and Kiku so I hit a nerve there, even for myself.) America beamed and dragged Peter inside of the mansion. He pulled him through what seemed a dozen corridors until he finally stopped at an old mahogany door.

               Peter breathed in the scent of burnt scones and started to choke on the thick smoke. Alfred looked him in the eyes, concern written over his face. After a few seconds his face went back to normal. "Don't eat the scones, or the cheese, or the tea. Just don't anything Arthur makes-it's lethal." Alfred whispered with a boyish grin.

      Peter nodded as Alfred opened the door and waltzed into the kitchen. Peter stifled a laugh as he watched Arthur glare at him as he pulled out burnt scones. Alfred pretended to gag and Arthur muttered 'Bloody git' under his breath.

To be continued. . . .

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