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                                               Requested by Animejazzy123

      "Oh my goodness! You almost poked my eye out with your breast, Katyusha!" You shouted as Your friend rolled over you to get off the bed. Magazines were littered on the floor and you had a line of lipstick on your forehead. "Well I'm so sorry that my breasts got in your precious face, Y/n!" She shouted back as she picked up the make-up from last night. 

          You growled as you rolled off the bed and onto the floor. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have a sleepover at Katyusha's house while allergy season was here. it would've been smart to stay away from her room considering the messiness of it. Skirts, blouses, make-up, head bands, hair clips, and bras littered the floor as you helped pick up the magazines scattered everywhere.

       You laughed as you saw Natalia drooling on Katyusha's indigo pillow. The morning light poured through the curtains and illuminated the room. Katyusha laughed at you as you tried to go to the bathroom to change and you tripped over Natalia's leg. "Ow!" You whispered angrily as you stubbed your toe on the corner of the wall. Katyusha grinned as she suppressed a laugh.

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