Prussia Nyotalia

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 Okay my loves, Prussia's official name is Julchen, but her nickname is Julia. I'm gonna use Julia because I'm lazy and because I'm not good at typing exotic names down. Sorry if this is offensive to anyone. I apologize if it is. I understand that in other countries this particular event in history is viewed in many different ways. So please save the hate, I don't mean for anything to offend anyone.

       Julia walked freely down the halls. Her heels click-clacked against the hard wood floors loudly. Her smile wavered as she saw Alice yelling at Monika. Her face transformed into a grimace and her eyes shone a darker red. You could almost see the dark aura forming around her body. As she stalked towards Alice, her arm was held captive by a very intimidating Anya. 

        Julia glared at Anya and tugged her arm away from her grasp. She continued to stalk towards Alice and made a signal to Monika to be quiet. Monika smirked and returned to being scolded at by Alice. Julia tapped on Alice's shoulder lightly and waited for her to turn around. When she did, Julia saw the "oh snap, I'm gonna die" look on her face. 

      "Vy are vou velling at my sister?" She asked in her thick accent. Alice gulped and looked her in the eye cautiously. "She embarrassed me in class! Telling me that Britain mistreated American during the American Revolution! Bloody heck! I say that those colonists should have listened to the king!" Julia glared at Alice and looked at Monika for approval. 

     "So vou're telling me vat vou're velling at my sister because of an argument over history?" "Yes." "Ve vouldn't be arguing if she just kept vose opinions to herself! Ze colonists vere trying to speak up! Make veir home a better place! They didn't even vant to go against the king in ze virst place!" Monkia spoke, interrupting the conversation. Alice glared at Monika and crossed her arms. "Lies!" She screeched. "Vou guys are such nerds!" Julia said as she turned on her heel and left the two to bicker.

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