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"Y/n! Wait up Love!" You heard Arthur yell after you as you walked towards your locker. "Yes Arthur?" You asked plastering a fake smile on your face. Deep down you despised the Brit but yet he was a person so, sigh. "We've been paired for the science project Love! Now we can finally hang out, just like you said before!" He exclaimed.

You continued to walk towards your locker as he followed. You grit your teeth but kept the smile on your face. "Yep, I remember!" You said regretfully. Why won't he just leave me alone? He's usually so quiet in class, well that is until Francis comes in. Ughh! But why does he have to be so annoying and perky with me? You thought to yourself quietly.

"Great! When do you think we could get together and work on it? It's due in two weeks!" The spring green eyed Brit exclaimed as he practically stalked you to your locker. Wow, this guy really doesn't take a hint! You thought frustratedly to yourself. He just wouldn't leave you alone!

"How about after school today? We'd have to hurry up though, I have to go to the market for some groceries and then go over to my cousin's." You stated as you opened your locker to get your history book. You saw the Brit nod and walk away from your locker. You heaved a sigh and walked off to your last class. This was going to be a long day.


Arthur and you were sprawled out on the floor, surrounded by science books and project materials. "Okay, it looks like we have to come up with an example of an animal. We have to tell the teacher about its habitat, diet, and add some fun facts. We also have to create a diorama about the animal-any ideas?" You asked him, brushing your hair out of your face.

Arthur nodded and blushed, you didn't know but he was staring at you the entire time. Am I being too weird? Does she think I'm a creep? Am I trying too hard to get her to notice me? Does she think I'm annoying, gosh I hope she doesn't think I'm annoying! He thought furiously to himself.

"Um . . . maybe we could do a study on owls?" He suggested. He secretly knew that owls were your favorite animal and he also didn't know what other animal to pick at the time. He watched as your eyes lit up, making your face glow and your cheeks turn a rosy pink.

"Cool, owls are my favorite animal!" You exclaimed, forgetting your disliking of the boy. "Yeah, I know." He murmured to himself. "What's that Arthur, did you say something?" You asked sweetly. You saw his face turn red as he shook his head. You shrugged and tried focusing on the project in front of you but your thoughts went else where . . . .

Wow, have I known that Arthur was this adorable? Although he does need to get rid of those eyebrows. What am I thinking?! I can't like Arthur! I'm supposed to despise him! Gosh my brain is messed up! I hope I don't start developing feelings for the git!

"Y/n? Is there something on my face?" You heard him ask. That made you snap back into reality. Your face putting Antonio's tomatoes to shame. "What? Um -a- no! I was just . . . lost in thought." You answered, your face turning even more red.

"Oh, um, okay." He replied looking at his watch and getting up. "Well, it looks like I have to get going. See you soon?" "Sure." You answered walking towards the door with him. When you opened up the door Alfred ran in, knocking you and Arthur down. You feel onto Arthur's chest as Alfred started to snicker. Glaring, you tried climbing off of Arthur but your limbs where underneath his.

Blushing even harder, the two of you climbed off of each other and stood up. Alfred, taking his chances pushed you guys together as you were turning towards Arthur. Your heads collided as your lips met his. Blushing, you and Arthur kissed.

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