Canada Nyotalia

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      Marguerite never liked being "invisible" to other people. She picked up a syrup bottle and threw it at the kitchen door. "Why doesn't anyone notice me?! Why am I so unnoticeable?! Am I not good enough?!" She screamed in frustration as she tore up the kitchen.

        After destroying her once neat and tidy kitchen, she stormed up stairs and threw herself on her bed sobbing. "Why am I so unimportant? Why am I such a disappointment to other people? Is that what this is all about, me being a disappointment?" She wept as she shoved a pillow in her face. Tears streamed down her perfectly designed face as she cried. Her eyes were red and puffy, her lips a light rosy red. Her hair was a wild mess and her glasses were fogged up and filled with tears.

     "Meg?" She heard someone gasp. She turned her head slightly and saw her sister, Emily standing in the doorway worriedly. "Good away!" Marguerite screeched as she tossed a pillow at her sister's direction. "What's wrong?" Emily asked as she approached her carefully. "Nothing." Marguerite sniffed. "You're lying." Emily countered back as she sat on her sister's bed and rubbed circles on her back. "I don't want to talk about it." She answered as she cried silently. Emily looked down at her look-alike sister and sighed. "When you do want to talk about it, I'm here." She answered back wholeheartedly. Marguerite nodded her head and cried as Emily rubbed her back gently.

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