Japan Nyotalia

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        Sakura walked into Hot Topic for a few new items for her collection. She loved to watch anime. If there was a new anime, she would watch it. However, if the anime wasn't logical, she would instantly degrade it and never watch it again. She resented talking in public. She hated it when Elizabeth and Francine fought during class. Like today, they were fighting over how stupid history was. 

        At times like this, Sakura wished that she was in her small cherry blossom garden at home, reading manga. Sadly, she couldn't skip school, so she had to stay in class and listen to the two bicker. It came to the point where she wanted to march over and slap both of them, telling them to shut up else. She decided against it, not wanting to draw attention to herself. 

       Sighing, she dug through her backpack in search of her manga comic. When her slim fingers grazed the cover of Death Note, she smiled in content and slipped it out of the pack. Placing it on her desk carefully, she flipped through the pages until she came across a marked one. She smiled to herself as she read the character's reactions and read on. 


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