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"Y/n! Vhy aren't jou training?!" Ludwig shouted as you collapsed against the fence. "Gee I don't know maybe because I'm exhausted!" You answered back as you banged your head against the wire fence. "Zat iz no excuse! Jou must be prepared for battle! Your country needs jou!"

"Yeah well my country can wait five minutes." You called back as you layed down on the ground. You heard him give out a loud obnoxious huff. "Vhy do I put up vith jou anymore?" He asked covering his face with his hand. You shrugged and sat up once more.

After a few minutes your heart rate finally went back to normal and you got back up. Ludwig grew tired of waiting a few minutes ago and went back to training. You picked up your bag and water bottle and headed home. After all, it was almost 4:25 . . . and you needed to be home before your brother was.

You jogged home in your work out gear and got your keys out of your bag. Unlocking the door you felt a chill go up your spine. You ignored it as you opened the door and closed it. Setting your stuff down you took off your shoes and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

You got out a pan and wooden spoon to make Mac & Cheese. When you felt the odd sensation once more you knew something was wrong. Shrugging it off you got out a plate and waited for the food to cool. You felt a hand rest on your shoulder and let out a high pitched shriek.

You grabbed the hand and twisted the intruder's arm. Then you conjured up all of the strength you had and judo flipped him. You watched as a familiar figure went flying over you. You looked down and saw a very unhappy German rubbing his arm as he glared at you.

"Oh my gosh, Ludwig I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed as you rushed over to his side. "Don't be." He grumbled as he rubbed his red arm some more. You heard the smoke alarms go off and dashed to the kitchen. Grabbing onto the knob you turned off the stove and got some water for the flames.

"Fudge nugget supreme! I now can't even make a simple dinner!" You muttered under your breath as you finally got the flames to fade. You felt another presence in the room and refused to look his way. You heard him snicker as you threw away the charred Mac & Cheese.

You felt him wrap his strong arms around you waist and stiffened. "Please zell me zat jou can make at least one zing on the stove." He whispered in your ear. You shivered as you felt his warm breath roll over your cool skin. You would never admit this out loud, but you had a crush on the German.

"Hush." You said as you swatted him away blushing a dark red. "Sure." He answered as he leaned back against the counter smirking. Sighing you went to the pantry and got out the peanut butter and the bread. Then you made your way over to the fridge and got out the jelly.

"It may not be on the stove but at least I can make it." You said under your breath. Ludwig's smirk grew as he watched you get out a butter knife and spread the peanut butter and jelly onto the bread. You looked up to find a beet red German looking at you.

"What?" You asked innocently as you watched him turn even redder. "Nothing." "Mmhmm." You replied as you put your hands on your hips. Ludwig laughed and made his way over to you. Suspicious you eyed him and prepared yourself.

"What do you think you're doing?" You asked him as a mischievous look gleamed in his bay blue eyes. He shrugged and continued walking towards you. You felt your cheeks turn as red as Antonio's tomatoes. Ludwig finally stopped walking towards you when he was inches away from your face.

"Ludwig . . . ." You began as you felt his mouth crash against yours. Surprised you kissed back, tangling your fingers in his usually well kept hair as you kissed back. Ludwig smiled into the kiss as he placed his hands on your hips.

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