Yandere China

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I'm so sorry, but I forgot who requested this! I lost the sheet, but I remembered the request. I feel horrible! This goes out to whoever asked for this. I'm so beyond sorry!

G/f/n (Guy best friend's name)

"Yao, please, don't do this," you cried out as the man approached your best friend slowly. His steps seemed predatory as he got closer and closer. You were shaking as you watched your best friend, G/f/n, cower into a corner. "Yao! Please! He didn't do anything! We were just talking!" Your pleas remained unheard, not even a glance was given to you as time seemed to slowed down. 

 Your boyfriend only chuckled, the sound vibrating from his chest and bouncing off of the trees. "He was near what is mine. For that, and only that, will he pay the price," Yao replied darkly as he licked his lips in anticipation. His fingers twitched at his sides as you saw a hunger in his eyes. Your body stilled as he took a final step towards G/f/n. "The fear in your eyes is what motivates me more. Let's see how fearful you can get," Yao growled out as he stood in front of him. Your heart rate increased as you looked around the room in order to find something to subdue him before anyone got hurt. 

Remembering that your phone was in your back pocket, you slowly got it out and hit emergency contact, calling the police. You quietly left the call on as you watched Yao turn towards you. "Please, don't hurt him! He did nothing wrong! We weren't doing anything!" Yao turned towards you and sneered. Your shoulders tensed as you felt the vibration of the woman's voice on the other line.

 "No one touches you. No one!" He shouted as he turned his body towards you. Each menacing step changed its direction as he slowly stalked towards you. You felt his rough hands grasp your shoulders tightly before he began to shake you violently. "Tell me Y/n! Does this man deserve to die?" The only response he received from his statement was a shake of the head. "He touched what is mine. He was taking advantage of you! No one should talk or touch you unless it's me! Do you understand? This man deserves his sentence." Warm tears cascaded down your cheeks as you looked the man you once loved in the eye. 'I used to love you. What have you become, Yao? What happened?' You watched as his eyes softened and he cupped you cheeks gently. "Hey. Please don't cry. I love you that's why I'm doing this. I want us to be together, forever. I don't want to lose you," he whispered as he took your hand in his and gently lead you outside the door. You played along and followed him out of the room, the woman on the phone still listening and recording the conversation.

 "Yao, please don't do this! He's my best friend!" You cried after he shut the door. Tears rolled down your face as you looked your lover in the eye. A shaky breath escaped Yao's lips as he watched you cry.

"I only want to keep you here with me," he stated before opening the door and closing it behind him. With the sound of the lock being moved, you tugged your phone from your pocket and asked the lady if she was still there. You relaxed as she spoke into the phone and asked for the address of your location. Speaking into the phone quietly, you told her where you were and what was happening. The woman promised to send backup as soon as possible and with that, the call ended. Taking a shaky breath, you leaned your ear against the door and heard Yao's angry voice boom against the cool wood. G/f/n's soon joined his and they began to argue. 

You heard one of the two punch the other and gasped as a series of grunts erupted from the other side of the door. 'Please, don't let them kill each other! We were just talking about my uncle's birthday party! Why is he acting so violently? Did I do something wrong?' Moments later, the sound of sirens rang throughout the building and you almost sighed with relief. That was, well, that was before the sound of a gun tore through the air. A feeling of dread came over you as it clicked that someone in that room was dead and the other the reason behind it. Your body quivered as your hands went towards your mouth and covered it in shock. 'Please!' 

 The sound of a door being kicked open came from behind you and you watched as policemen and women swarmed into the building with their guns ready. The door behind you swung open, taking you by surprise and causing you to fall. Someone's arms caught you and you recognized them immediately. 'Yao. Oh no. No. No. No. No. No! Please! This can't be! Tell me this is all a lie! Tell me that G/f/n is alive and this is all just a prank!' 

 "Put your hands up where we can see them!" You looked up and saw the squad of police with their guns raised. Panic overcame you and you struggled to get out of your boyfriend's arms. Yao's grip only tightened as you tried to get out. An ambulance pulled up outside and you watched as one of the women hurried out of the truck and waited by the entrance of the building. 

Yao moved from behind you and gripped your arms tighter. You felt him lean against your ear and whisper, "Now. Now. We wouldn't want you leaving me, would we? You're going to be a good girl and stay right here, hmm?" Fearful of what he would do, you stopped struggling and watched as confusion flickered in everyone's eyes. Yao only smirked as he already knew he won. "I'm sorry for the confusion. The perpetrator lies dead inside of this room. He killed himself once your sirens were heard," Yao called out towards the squad in a low voice. Looks of doubt and suspicion appeared on their faces as they all watched Yao smile innocently.

"If that is so, put the girl down," one of them responded as he pointed his gun at Yao and gestured towards me. Yao's smile faded as he saw that his facade had been seen through. His hesitation was confused with resistance and a bullet was released from one of the guns. You screamed as Yao tugged you away and pinned you to the ground, shielding you from being hit. An uproar occurred afterwards. The police ran towards you as you watched Yao wince in pain. 'He's been shot.' 

One of the officers pulled him from off of you and took you to the back of a cop car. You watched as Yao was dragged towards an ambulance and a few minutes later, a deceased G/f/n. Your body couldn't handle the amount of stress and shut down. The last thing you saw was the ambulance taking off towards the hospital.           

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