America Nyotalia

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           "Amelia!" "What do you want now?!" Amelia screamed as she glared at the figure before her. She saw the person's body shrink back in submission and her face softened. "Sorry, Anya. I didn't mean to snap. Today has just been. . .a little off. I apologize." Amelia said as she looked into Anya's dark eyes. Anya's face turned from surprise to its normal rest.

         "Of course, we all have one of those days." Amelia looked up at Anya in surprise. Is she actually not being super weird/creepy for once? Hopefully, hopefully she did. "I've had my fair share of them as well! Once, I walked in on Francine and Victoria making out in the bathroom!" And there it goes. Amelia held up her hands in defeat and gave Anya a weary smile. "Ahhhh, fun?" She asked cautiously. "Aye!" Anya replied as she gave Amelia a thumbs up and left. Amelia let out a breath and rested her head against her locker. 'When will this war end so that I can see Papa again?'  With that, she sighed and headed off to class with a heavy heart. 

Hetalia x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant