[2]: The Lips of the Corpse

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"You're not going to report us?" The girl asked Zane with her honey-sweet voice.

He shook his head and glanced shortly at the rear view mirror to get a view of the Hunters sitting behind him in his car.

"Hunters.... Deimon Slayers... Which are you?" His voice was cold and unwelcoming.

Hunters and Deimon Slayers, the terms were used interchangeably but he preferred to distinguish one from the other. 

"What do you mean?"

The car turned a corner. "Do you hunt demons to protect humanity or do you slay them for sport?"

"Rest assured," the other, more mature Hunter spoke, "we're Hunters."

Zane nodded.

Hunters, only privately known to the government, are famous for causing wreck and chaos. These gifted people with the ability to see Deimons become heroes to normal civilians. Yet, the blame for the mayhem caused is thrown on the Hunters by those incapable of seeing Deimons, thus, becoming targets for hatred. To prevent havoc from breaking out, Hunters are dealt with top-class secrecy.

"We usually have to pick a fight with the authorities and then live in hiding on every one of our missions," the girl remarked. "It's hard, though. Completing missions like that, I mean." The girl shrugged and threw back her hood to reveal her beauty. Zane had to glance twice to make sure he was not in the presence of some heavenly figure. 

"Consider yourselves lucky. If you lay low and stay out of sight of the 'authorities,' you just might enjoy your stay for once," Zane hissed.

"Are you saying Ketsueki's police force actually accepts Hunters amongst them?"

Zane eyed a man on the side walk as he drove by. He had on a worn out pair of pants and a raincoat and he used a walking stick to make up for his weak knees.

Pioneer Stage...

"No, the Council of Ketsueki would label you as an outcast, if not chase you out. I'm simply an exception with a superior backing me up.

"That's great!" The girl chimed with a bright smile.

He shot her a glare. "No, it's not. I despise you Hunters and the Hunters' Association group you work for: you and your unrealistic efforts to make lives miserable for one another and not thinking twice about killing a Deimon and its host." He cleared his throat to regain composure.

Not every single one of us like killing hosts, the girl thought to herself as she shot him a guilty smile. 

"I absolutely despise you," he whispered.

A woman passed by: this one was beautiful with the thinnest waist, perfect bust, and the softest hair that shone in the moonlight. Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked seductively.

She had men gawking at her but Zane didn't give her a second glance as he sent a brief text message - perfectly multitasking between driving and texting.

Terminal Stage...

"But, you still won't report us?" There was still hope in the teenage girl's voice.

"If you keep to yourselves."

"Thank you!" She giggled. "But... Where are you taking us?"

"To an inn."

Her face brightened even more. "This is the first time we've been given an actual place to stay-"

"Only since I prefer to know about your whereabouts."

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