[7]: When The Horrendous Laugh Is Heard...

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A/N: Dedicated to @candycane297 for voting and commenting on this book. Thank you so very much! >.< 

"Lock the doors and close all windows. Go to sleep before the Mist comes."

Alyx nodded and did as she was told when Zane left her house. He walked towards his car, fishing his keys out of his pocket, when he saw two figures sitting inside, causally waiting for him - as if it was normal for them to break into a cop's private property.

Zane frowned and stepped over as Lisa moved out of the driver's seat with a little hop. She was an adorable fellow but he knew she was just as dangerous as Ashton - sometimes he wondered which was her true self: the bubbly girl or the Deimon Hunter?

She mock saluted him. "Hello, Mr. Officer."

"Is breaking into cars normal for you two?"

"This? Oh, pfft! You know, we Hunters are more capable than we look."

He rolled his eyes and got into the seat, waiting irritably for Ashton to get out of his car.

When he didn't, he turned to him. "Go."

Ashton shook his head. "No. I need to hear the story."

"I'm late."

"And this is obstructing our schedule."

Zane sighed with annoyance. "Fine, kid -" He saw Lisa circling the house. "Where is she going?"

"To secure the area."


"Tell me what happened today. With that Deimon."


The hooded figure looked outside his window just in time to see Jason and an annoyed groan escaped his mouth. "Where's that old man going now?"

He's taking gloves. Ugh, does he need more bodies? Again?

He examined the clock. An hour before the Mist.

"Why doesn't he wait until the Mist disappears? This is too risky."

With a mental whine, he dropped his cleaning utensils and left his home. He tiptoed,  stalking the man at a safe distance.


"It really was the fact that John wanted to die that-"

"No," Ashton reasoned, "that's only one factor. Deimons lack self control when in a human host. They're selfish and desire to take over the whole body, including soul."

Zane winced mentally. Then that mean's this Deimon's strong enough to control himself.

"Smart Deimon... Powerful as well so be alert at all times."

"Don't order me around, kid."

"Anyhow, being able to coexist with a human may prove to be advantageous. For one, we may not even be able to sense him. Or he might decide when he wants to be sensed and when not."

"And it can blend in perfectly with a human voice and such. It won't even have a Terminal Point like with weaker Deimons where the host can't bear it anymore."

Ashton nodded, taking in all the information. "It wasn't only you in charge of Bethany's case, yeah?"

"Yes, Steve was also-"

Their hearts fell to the bottom of the Earth.

"Steve!" Zane yelled and revved his engine to life. "Go to the police station. I'm going to his house!"

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