[5]: Plop Goes the Blood. Plop! Plop!

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There was a knock and a small pause before Alyx proceeded to open the door to her bedroom. He stepped inside and looked at her straight in the eye and she got the vibe that the worst was about to come. 

"Do you have time?"

Yes. She always had time for Zane.

"Why didn't you tell me he was coming over today?"

She looked away guiltily. I forgot.

Seeing straight through her lie, Zane gritted his teeth but decided to let go of the uneasiness in his heart. It would do no good. "All right, but remember to tell me next time, okay?"

He didn't want to yell at her or force her to do things she didn't want to. The past four years had been about him reading her thoughts but what if he was wrong? What if she was feeling more pain than she was letting on? Zane didn't want to pressure her. He wanted to be different in her life - not like all the others who turned their backs on her the second she needed them the most. He wanted her to know that she was free. That he really did care about her. 


"And do you still have your Ember Stone?" He already knew the answer but for the sake of confirmation, he asked. 


"It's all right. They're easy to lose anyway. I'll get you another one tomorrow."

Thank you.

She smiled - no, not with her lips but with her eyes. And like every other time she smiled like that, it took every will and every ounce of energy Zane had left not to reach out and touch her face, not to pull her into a hug, not to stroke her hair and tell her she'll be safe tonight. That during the Peak, he'll give up his body and soul to ensure her security. He wanted her to think of him as her safe haven. The one and only.

He pushed down the unbearable urge in his heart and grinned. 

"I'll be right outside if you need me."

Good night.


"I owe you a treat, Alyx." Ashton had said before gently grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards a table in the corner.

It was the very next day and Ashton still refused to leave Alyx be even though there chemistry projects were done and over with. Maybe he'd turn into a nuisance? Alyx wondered about that frequently.

But, somehow, it seemed highly unlikely. She even quite liked having Ashton around.

He tenderly pushed her down into the seat. "No, you don't." She stood up to leave but Ashton spoke quickly.

"I aced that project because of you. If you don't let me treat you, I'll keep pestering you about it, you know. Plus, you deserve a treat after working hard at your shift today."

She turned to him with annoyance.

He grinned cheekily. "Take your pick. Either stay here willingly or be forced to."


He stumbled back in his seat and she shot him a weird look. "What?"

"Nothing," he lied and gestured the cup of ice blended chocolate lassi in front of her. "It's tasty. Have you ever tried it?"

No... She sucked on the straw and drew back. It is.

He let out an uneasy laugh.

What? Why  do you keep acting awkward?

Because I can bloody hear your voice in my head! He screamed on the inside. 

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