[6]: Hunger for Flesh

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A/N: Dedicated to Shenuri_Fernando for commenting and voting! You're a beautiful gal and I hope that whoever is reading this book checks out hers: Anorexia's Deceiving Lies. It should be a lesson to anyone suffering from anorexia and if you are, please receive help. You are all beautiful and no one should tell you otherwise.

Zane's eyes were glued intently to the man standing near Alyx intently. He debated whether he should go forward or watch from afar. After moving a little closer, he decided it was a safe distance. He could reach Alyx in time before harm reached her but he would also be able to watch discreetly without arousing suspicion. 

The forty-year old was standing in line, hand in pocket. Although he fit in with everyone perfectly and no one gave him a second glance, Zane got an eerie feeling as he took in the man's sight. 

He pushed forward to see the man's eyes. Unlike Ashton and Lisa who could sense the presence of Deimons immediately thanks to their training, the officer had to read their eyes. It was troublesome but he still managed. 

He moved farther left, towards the front of the man. He craned his neck and leaned in slightly to see into his eyes. His heart fell and goosebumps arose on his skin as he realized the Deimon was in Terminal Stage. It would soon escape its host body and if it's too late, he might even devour the unlucky passersby. 


He stomped over to her and pushed his way between the man and the teenager.

"Let's go eat somewhere else."

What, why?

"I don't like it here, let's go-" he reached out to grab her hand but the man stumbled into him.

Zane spun around, anger in his eyes. Did he dare to attack amidst the crowd - albeit he knows he's been discovered? Clearly, the way Zane approached should have been enough to signal him to stay away?

They eyes caught and Zane didn't fail to see the shining glint in them. 

The man raised a palm in apology. "Sorry, I was just trying to get to the washroom."

He walked off in that direction and Zane kept his eyes on him. Did he just call me into the washroom?

Zane adjusted the gun strapped to his hip. This was a modified gun and although it can shoot humans, the specialized bullets are used to pierce through the hearts of the Deimons and plant a mini bomb that leaks out a little chemical. It stops the functioning of the heart temporarily. Once the heart of the host stops working, the Deimon is immobilized and the host is transferred to a special facility that keeps them trapped yet living.

Albeit the facility has been working for almost a decade, no progress has occurred in removing a Deimon from a host. A few smart ones leave the host body to take over a human that's not imprisoned but in most cases, the host's body has already rotted and withered. Only a two adults have successfully been left behind by a Deimon and not died instantly.

However, those two turned up dead in a few days from simple diseases such as the common cold. It seemed as if there really wasn't any hope for Deimon hosts.

But, however much the cops of this town tried to avoid killing hosts, once or twice, they'd have to do it sooner or later - once a Deimon reaches Terminal Point and it's too late for the host. Even before, Zane hated aiming for the heart. He never did unless it was absolutely necessary. 

"I'll be back," Zane turned away from a confused Alyx and followed the man.

He pushed the doors open and saw that it was empty except for the Deimon. He stepped in - despite the eerie ambiance.

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