[22]: Good Night, Ash

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A/N: Dedicated to @Shenuri_Fernando. I can not put into words how much your reads, comments, and votes have meant to me. Thanks a lot for everything and I really hope you can continue reading my books. And don't forget, love, you are beautiful just the way you are. *hugs and kisses*

I can't help them. I can't do anything. And...

I'm losing everyone I love...

She felt a small sting in her stomach - a hopeful sting, like someone was shining a ray of sunlight onto her dark life - as she wished with all her might that maybe, just maybe she could do something to save her friends, to save the people that deserved to live. 

Just like Zane had given her a second chance at life, she wanted to gift them the same thing. Yet, little by little her consciousness slipped away from her grasp.

It stung. Lucifer turned to look at the strand of dark death that had stabbed Alyx, his red eyes flickering. Blood dripped from it. Alyx's blood. 



His eyes widened as he the mistake of making contact with Alyx's blood dawned on it. It took him a moment to realize the stupidity of the situation. All this work, all the time I had spent... Everything. Destroyed by one simply thing. 

Slowly, little by little, pain coursed through its body and soul. Little by little - like it wanted the Deimon King to die a slow and excruciating death. 

He looked at Alyx. Even when you're down, even when you're unconscious, you're hurting me. 

He felt its strength draining out as stings all over his body took over. 

Suddenly, the door swung open and four men dressed in black slid in. When Lucifer had seen Alyx, its eyes had flickered again and this moment of hesitation was all it took for the men to point their guns and shoot the anti-Deimon bullets into Lucifer's heart - ones that would paralyze him momentarily.

A howl escaped its mouth but Alyx couldn't hear it properly. She was blacking out. She'd been doing so past few hours. Why wouldn't she faint already? No, maybe it was just that time had slowed down. 

The sound of footsteps increased. More men had entered the room.

Someone fell down next to Alyx and shook her gently. Her eyes barely opened and she saw the blurred image of several men moving about, carrying heavy things - are those bodies? - and shouting orders.

"Can you see me?" The man asked Alyx just as his lips deformed.

She nodded slightly and he threw a smile down at her - but really, it looked like his lips were falling from his face. "You'll be all right, Alyx. Ethan will fix you up in no time. " She felt herself being carried out of the room as several voices echoed in her ears. 

"I need help over here with Ashton!"

"Oi! Be careful! She's injured!"  

"Someone get the Officer!"

"Where's the one that called?"  

"Emily is priority!"  

"Where's the Medical Unit!"

Slowly, the voices faded out and the only thing Alyx could hope was that when she woke up, her friends would be living a happy life. 


Two Months Later...

There was a nurse next to the bed, an injection in hand. 

Ashton winced at the girl, her skin darkened and bones showing. He knew she was suffering this much to keep her sister alive but he wished he could take away her pain. He grazed his fingers against her cheek bones. She smiled at the gesture, her lips barely opening to show her teeth.

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