[9]: A Life for a Life

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"Where did you go?" Alyx asked out loud.

This was the first time Lisa heard her speak. And Ashton couldn't have been more right; her voice was beautiful and melodic. It reminded her of her mother's. Or at least what she wanted her mother's voice to sound like. Her memories of her mother was still kinda foggy.

"Just... A Walk."

Alyx rose an eyebrow. "You looked like you were in a fighting stance - about to attack someone coming from behind that tree."

Lisa stretched. "Well, I was getting tired of sleeping. Been sleeping lately. A lot. So, I thought-"

Alyx's expression was dead. She didn't buy it one bit. Lisa was now sure she hadn't even been sleeping - Alyx was awake the whole time. She was cunning.

Boy, am I ever more glad I hid her background report.

She coughed to clear her throat. "Do you think I'm a danger to you? If so, I'd like to confirm that it's quite the opposite."

She saw Alyx trying to read her eyes. Then, something changed - as if she changed her mind.

"Whatever you and your brother... Whatever is going on around me, does Zane know?"

"Of course."

"Then, you don't have to explain what you did out there." Alyx threw her thumb at a window that gave the perfect view of where Lisa had been standing a few minutes ago.

"Do you trust him that much? Zane, I mean."

"With my life."

Lisa chuckled. You sound like a married couple.

"Ashton... Can I trust him?"

Trust? "I don't know what you're talking about."

"He's weird. You're weird. And now even Zane is acting weird."

Lisa sighed and rubbed the back of her neck out of discomfort. "Trust, huh? Well, let's just say that Ashton would never let you get hurt."

Alyx pondered over the statement and walked away, whether she was satisfied with the answer or not, Lisa couldn't say. 

You don't know what you've done to my brother. Neither does he...

She giggled to herself and absentmindedly touched her locket. Ash doesn't know what falling in love is, Mom.


"The Mist is gone, Zane. You are dismissed," Dylan announced as he stepped into his office.

Zane was violently pulled back into reality. "I'm sorry, what?"

The chief of the Ketsueki Police Department gestured to the window. "The Mist is gone. You can go home now."

Zane glanced at his wrist watch. It's that late already?

"Of course."

Dylan was about to leave when he halted. With a small stretch, he walked back into the room and sat across Zane who shot him a questioning look.



"Not Chief. Dylan."

He nodded.

"Four years ago - I remember that day clearly. We were in training and you suddenly got a call. Your face had gotten so pale and I remember how you disobeyed my orders and ran away."

Zane chuckled. "I heard you screaming after me and then you chasing me with your car."

"Of course. My student suddenly bailed on me. What would my superiors think?" He guffawed.

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