[19]: Doors of Death

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"The Deimon King." 

"King?" Zane frowned, hearing this for the first time. "I assumed those foul creatures to be without order."

Elena nodded at this. "It would seem so but in a place without order, someone always rises to take control. Someone has to - to ensure their survival."

"Please don't tell me John is the Deimon King."

Elena shook her head. "No. H-his name is Lucifer."

Ashton squinted at her, remembering how she stammered every time she lied. "Are you sure we can trust you?"

"Yes. I've kept my eyes on John enough to know all this."

"Are you saying this Deimon has been wandering around all these years?" This was Lisa. 


"Why hasn't it attacked you yet?"

"I-I haven't the slightest clue. Point is, something's happened to the king but no one knows what. With him out of the way, John rose up to power."

"And now he wants Alyx for what exactly?"

"That, I don't know yet. But, we should probably keep in our minds that sometimes he doesn't need to use powers to summon other Deimons. He's the king now."

"So we can't use that as a weakness?"


"You're saying that we don't know what John's weakness is." Ashton wanted to groan in annoyance. Never once has a Deimon been this much of a pain in the neck. 

"But I have an idea."


Alyx was standing at the door of the basement. Lisa was next to her, waiting for her brother, the officer, and the doctor to come out of it. 

"If it works this time," Alyx asked softly, "does that mean maybe we can get our old Lucy back?"


"Does it mean I can see my real mother again?"


"And Jason can get his wife - Carly - back?"

"Let's hope -"

Suddenly, they heard a crash from downstairs but just as the two girls reached for the door, it flung open. Something crashed into Lisa, knocked her down, and ran past Alyx. It was all a blur to her but the Hunter quickly sprang up, screaming. 

"NO, NO, NO!" 

From downstairs, Ashton and Zane emerged, blood on their gloves and angry scowls on their face. 

"He was there the whole ****ing time!" Ashton growled. 

Lisa stomped her foot angrily and it was a sight to see the girl angry. "What did he do? What the hell did he do? I'm going to kill him!"

"Nothing," Zane asked calmly. "John had been in the basement watching us carry out all the procedures to ensure that we didn't hurt Bethany's body too much. But, he didn't interfere. He simply laughed at us and ran away." 

Ashton cursed. "How are we supposed to fight him if we can't even sense him? We've been in there all day and probably him too. Yet, we can't sense his presence."

Alyx blinked. John was downstairs with them? This whole time?

"It's scary to know that he's strong enough to take this as a joke."

Zane gritted his teeth. "To think we're working this hard to fight against him and he doesn't care in the slightest." He glanced at Alyx. If he's so strong, why hasn't he taken Alyx already? What's stopping him?

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