[Epilogue P.2]: Me Too

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Seven Years Ago...

Everyone stiffened as the elevator doors clicked opened and the two Hunters stepped into the room full of teenagers and adults. All noise, chaos, and excitement had died and they spun on their heels and bowed in respect - in so much sync that Elena wondered if they had rehearsed this scene before. 

No, not just respect, Ashton knew. It was different from how they'd treat him and Lisa when they returned from a mission. No, this was Elena. They only respected her out of trepidation for the Deimon she homed. 

Ashton walked on, conclusively numb to their behavior. Meanwhile, Elena had a harder time adjusting to all of the attention and prying eyes. Still, she kept close to Ashton's track and walked forward, head held high.

Here and there, a few murmurs sounded about how their strength. Some were talking about Lisa's sad fate, some about Elena's powers. Others were happy Ashton had moved on.

Bullshit. Ashton held in the sick venom and forced himself to turn a deaf ear to the hushed whispers.

At the other end of the room, across the elevator, there was a door - painted maroon. A golden plate hung on it and the name that shone into Ashton's eyes gave him chills: the repulsive sort.

Ashton pushed it open and sauntered in. Elena watched as the Secretary stood up in greeting and bowed. She said they could go in next despite the line of Hunters waiting to meet the Head. Elena turned her head towards the couch and indeed, there was a line of people waiting for their appointed time.

On eye contact with her, they snapped up and bowed at perfect right angles. Immediately, she got the vibe that somewhere, somehow, this place was linked to Japanese ancestry.

Ashton didn't wait for the person with the current appointment to leave. Instead, he headed forward and aggressively pushed the door open. They were greeted with the sight of the one and only Jacob Fallon - Head of the Hunters Association at his throne of blood. Sitting across him were two agents, holding reports.

"Get out," Ashton growled.

They glanced at their boss, unsure of what to do but when he only gave Ashton an amused look, the two agents shot up and left with the usual acknowledgement to all three of them. The door clicked behind them and not a moment passed before Ashton's voice came out.

"We're here." Everything about him - his tone, facial expression, posture - said that he did not come here out of his free will. 

His eyes lit up with interest at the duo. "Ashton. Elena. You two make a good team."

Ashton understood the hidden meaning behind Fallon's toxic words and that the older man had aimed at a very vital spot but he stood ground, refusing to show any pain. 

"What did you want?"

"Neither of you have been writing reports. All crucial and vital information from the previous missions - lost, because of your laziness."

"Call it what you will, but I have my doubts about the real reason why you called us." Ashton spoke with such hatred, such bravery that Elena was afraid he'd get fired on the spot.

Fallon chuckled. "You," he pointed at Elena, "have been saving human hosts."

"Last time I checked," Ashton answered for her, "that was the purpose of the Hunters Association: to save human lives. So, what's wrong with what we've been doing?"

"That kind of power must be hidden. If the Deimons were to possess Elena to use her power -"

"Elena," he spoke with heightening pride, "is the Queen of Deimons. She has the Deimon King entwined around her little finger, quite literally."

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