Haunted (Edited)

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I skipped the rest of episode "lost girls" since it was mainly Stefan telling Elena about his past, and I want to keep this story mainly on Bella

(The Gilbert Residence)

Bella's POV.

I start to stir, but I quickly shoot up from a lying position so I am now sitting up and staring at Damon who is sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Why did you make me go to sleep?" I ask him confused as I start to climb off of the bed, taking a few steps back from him.

"Hmm, because I tried to turn Elena against Stefan. But because that plan failed, I decided to wake you up since you were no help to me sleeping." He tells me walking towards me, In which I take one back eventually hitting the wall.

"You want me to help you? Why makes you think th-" I try to finish my sentence but he puts a finger over my lips.

"Shh, you see you really don't have a choice." He says to me as he starts to look me in eyes, oh no "I want you to find a way to get me the necklace Caroline stole from me, and when you have it, I want you to give it to me. Now, I don't want you to tell anyone we had this conversation, so get to work and I'll see you later." He says, and places a cold kiss on my cheek, and then he's gone. Then I see Elena and Stefan walk into my room, and they just stand there staring at me.

"Bella, how are you awake? Did Damon come in here? Where is he?" Stefan says looking around my room for any trace of Damon.

"First, slow down with the questions, and second, yes Damon was here and he woke me up, then he told me... I'm not aloud to tell you, he compelled me." I say to them through gritted teeth, and Elena comes up to me and hugs me.

"It's OK, we'll figure this out together" Elena says to me while she pulls away and Stefan comes to stand in front of us.

"Elena, we need to make sure that someone stays with Bella at all times tonight at the Halloween carnival." Stefan tells her, wait, the carnival, tonight?

"Wait a minute, how long was I asleep?" I ask them both waiting for answer.

"Um, I think about two days." Elena tells me like it's just normal to sleep that long "And don't worry Stefan, I'll watch her." She tells Stefan, and he disappears out of my room "Come on Bella, I have so much to tell you and you may want to sit down" She tells me as we sit on my bed.

After Elena tells me about what happened yesterday with Damon turning Vicki into a vampire and Stefan telling her about him and Damon being alive since the 1800's with Katherine, Bonnie comes over to see us about the Halloween carnival. We decided that I would be a sexy cat, Elena would be a bloody nurse like last year and Bonnie would be a cute witch as it would match her freaky supernatural side her Grams has been telling her about. That's when I realise the necklace Bonnie has.

[Bella's Costume]-->

[Bella's Costume]-->

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