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Brendon packs the rest of his clothes into a box and smiles at his girlfriend laying on his bed in nothing but an oversized t-shirt.

"Do you have to go today?" She whines grabbing his hand.

He nods and sighs "come on sweetie I told you this is the latest I can go." He leans down and gives Sarah a kiss "get dressed Spencer and Linda are gonna be here soon to help me get my stuff."

Sarah groans and gets up pulling on her jeans and a t-shirt.

"Promise you'll call everyday?" Brendon nods "and well video chat at least three times a week?" He nods again "and we'll have Skype sex at least once a month?" She says with a playful smirk and Brendon responds by kissing her


There's a knock on the door and Spencer walks in. "Hey Brendon we gotta go if we want to get there by Monday." Spencer says "my stuffs already in the car..."

Brendon nods and looks at Sarah "okay baby.... I love you" he kisses her softly

"I love you too bren" she smiles "I'll come visit as soon as I can okay?"

Brendon nods and gives her another kiss before moving his stuff into Spencer's car.

Linda and Spencer have more or less of a make out session while Brendon and Sarah say their goodbyes yet again.

"Don't forget me for another girl"

"I would never"

Brendon walks into his dorm and sees a tall guy with blue hair and a backwards cap on
"Uh hey I'm Brendon your roommate."

The guy turns around and smiles "I'm Josh. It's nice to meet you Brendon. Uh do you mind drums being in here?"

"No I love drums!"

"Do you play?"

Brendon nods "I play 17 instruments and sing. I'm actually in a band with my buddy Spencer, he's a few dorms down"

"Nice! I'm in a band with this guy named Tyler." Josh smiles at him "hey are you going to the party tonight?"

"Uh yeah I was thinking about it..." he smiles

"Nice, I'm going to meet up with some friends I'll talk to you later" josh walks out and Brendon takes the opportunity to call Sarah.

"Hey baby!"

"Hey bren how's your first day?"

"Pretty good I met my roommate he's a drummer. He's pretty cool, didn't your classes start today?"

"Yeah they're okay so far... look I gotta go take a nap. Call me tonight. I love you baby."

"I love you too..." Brendon smiles down the line and hangs up and goes down the hall to find Spencer and Dallon wrestling.

"Guys are we going to the campus party tonight?" Brendon asks and Spencer shrugs

"Why not?" Dallon says "maybe we can find a guitar player."

Hey guys this is kinda trash 😂 how do you like it so far? Anything you want me to add or take off?

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