Third date

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"So third date tonight huh?" Z smirks wiggling her eyebrows at Ryan. "You know what that means."

Ryan looks at her a little nervous, "haha yeah.."

Z rolls her eyes "tell me you're not still afraid of sex."

Ryan shrugs. "I've never been with someone like that. Sure I've gotten hand and blowjobs but... sex Z. Sex. That's my virginity that I'm handing away."

"Then don't." She says casually. "It's not like you need to have sex now, or ever for that matter."

"I want to I really want to..." he sighs running a hand through his hair. "But what if it's terrible?"

"First of all I've seen your boyfriend, it won't be terrible. With that face he's had a lot of people throw themselves at him so he's probably had experience. Secondly, it's your first time Ryan."

"Well that too Z! He's probably not a virgin, I don't want it to be a huge deal to me and just another conquest to him."

"Then wait."


"You'll know."

"You look really good tonight Ryan." Brendon smiles over his dinner menu.

Ryan blushes a little "you do too."

"So what are you thinking of ordering? I'm thinking the chicken or maybe the lasagna... oh wait the..."

"Are you a virgin?!" Ryan suddenly blurts out.

Brendon blushes harder than Ryan did as he shakes his head. "Why?"

"Well it's our third date..."

"And?" Brendon looks at him skeptically. "You think just because I've bought you a few dinners I deserve to sleep with you?"

"You don't want to sleep with me?"

"I didn't say that..." he blushes softly again. "I don't want to take your virginity until you're sure you're ready for it. Ryan I don't need or want sex until you do, okay?"

Ryan sighs "but you're not a virgin."

"No I'm not." Brendon sighs thinking about Sarah guiltily. "But I've never slept with an uh... a guy."

"Have you ever had anal?" Ryan asks quietly. To which Brendon giggles softly.

"Well we tried once but I couldn't get it in without hurting her so she just blew me."

"I'm your boyfriend I do not want to hear about your exes." Ryan says half amused, he takes a sip of his drink.

Brendon sighs "yeah... exes." He mumbles softly.

The rest of the evening goes by smoothly. "Do you want to come in?" Ryan asks when they get to his dorm.

Brendon gives him a suggestive look and Ryan rolls his eyes. "Not to do that assface." He says lightly. "Let's watch Disney movies and cuddle."

Brendon smiles "sure Ryan."

Ryan lost his virginity that same night.

A/N that's my new puppy up there. What do you think about Brendon and Ryan participating in the scandalous events ;););):);)

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