Could he?

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Ryan had no fucking idea where this new confidence was coming from. He couldn't help but feel a little cocky when the boy next to him blushes at Ryan's flirtatious comments.

"I didn't mean to be so direct before, Brendon will you go on a date with me?" Ryan says after Brendon doesn't say anything for a minute or so.

Brendon looks up at Ryan and Ryan notices the contemplation on his face. He immediately losses all his cockiness from earlier. "Never mind it was stupid to ask you're obviously uncomfortable." Ryan mumbles. Why was he so fucking stupid?! Obviously Brendon wasn't blushing because he liked him, he was blushing because he hated the flirting. Ryan mentally scolds himself.

Just as Ryan starts to stand up Brendon's hand shoots out, grabbing onto Ryan's shoulder. "I'd love to go on a date with you!" He squeaks causing Ryan to smile softly.

"Here's my number." Ryan smiles grabbing Brendon's arm and scribbling the number with a small heart next to it. "Also uh... can you give me a ride home?"

Brendon smiles "sure ry, come on."

Brendon forgets how loud he had his music, (to drown dallons moans from Spencer on the way there) and when he turns on his car Green Day comes blasting through the speakers.

Brendon and Ryan both immediately reach for the dial to turn it down, their hands touching. They both blush as Brendon turns down the music and grabs onto Ryan's hand.

"Is this okay?" He smiles when Ryan nods, lacing their fingers together as they drive back to the college.

Halfway there Brendon's phone starts ringing and Brendon half distracted by driving asks Ryan to pick it up.

"Sure." Ryan reaches over and answers the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey!" He hears a very feminine and happy voice from the other end of the line.

"Brendon's phone may I ask who's calling?" Ryan asks cringing a little at the enthusiasm from the girl.

"Oh uh Sarah his.." the phone is snatched from Ryan's hand and Brendon immediately brings it to his ear.

"Hey Sarah. Okay, yeah, look I really can't talk right now, mhm, okay, you too, bye." He quickly hangs up the phone and pockets it.

Ryan looks over at him but doesn't say anything. Brendon feels a pang of guilt tear through him. How could I forget about Sarah.

The two sit in a comfortable silence, or so Ryan thinks, as they drive back to their dorms.

When they pull up to Ryan's building he looks over at Brendon and smiles "so it was really nice meeting you." He says shyly.

Brendon's smile immediately returns to his face as he leans in and kisses Ryan's cheek. "Look I'll be busy this whole week, my friends are coming in and I want to see them for a while, can we have the date next Saturday?" He smiles.

Ryan nods kissing Brendon's cheek before saying thank you for the ride and getting out of the car.

Brendon sighs, driving away.

He hated this, he didn't even know why he was doing this. He wasn't fucking gay. It was just Ryan... and seeing his best friends fuck... and kissing Dallon.

Maybe he was bi?

He shakes his head. That still didn't change the fact that he had a beautiful girlfriend that he was in love with coming in tomorrow to see him. He couldn't cheat on her.

.... could he?

A/N I legit have no idea what I'm doing with this story but I'll figure it out.


The Cheating game (Ryden) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن