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Sarah squeals as she packs up her items.

"I haven't seen him in forever... I'm so excited kris." She smiles.

Kristin smiles back "That's sweet... when I was in high school I had a long distance girlfriend named Lynn. I missed her all the time but we made it work."

"I know me and Brendon will get through it it's just hard not being able to touch him.."

Kristin smirks at her playfully "ooohhh" she mocks earning a hit from Sarah.

"That's not what I meant but yeah that's true too. I haven't had a good orgasm in a month."

"TMI Sarah" Mikey rolls his eyes making his way into his friends dorm.

Sarah blushes "hi Mikey..."

"Hey so my brother and his fiancé are going on a vacation so I'm gonna go with you guys if that's alright?"

"Yeah that's fine Mikey... we're leaving tomorrow at 7 am to go to the airport."

Mikey nods "I'll go pack some stuff and text my brother. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 6:30 here?" He asks and the two others nod.

"Alright see you later." He smiles walking out and Sarah looks at Kristin.

"If I was single..."

Kristin giggles and smacks her arm "come on its Mikey he's like a brother also he's like gay."

Sarah laughs softly "I'm kidding besides I have a hotter boyfriend back in LA. I can't wait for you to meet him."

"Yeah and hopefully there will be some hot single girls there for me."


Brendon walks into his room awkwardly cringing about what he was going to do. He spots his roommate sitting on his bed and messing with a laptop.

"Uh hey Josh."

Josh looks up and smiles "hey Brendon what's up?"

Brendon sighs "look um... my uh... my girlfriend is coming over for the week and while I know it's your room too..."

"You want me to stay with someone else so you two can fuck all week?" Josh asks with a smirk and Brendon nods, covering his face with his hands.

"Something like that."

Josh laughs "I totally understand I mean my girlfriend, Debby and I would annoy the hell out of her room mate because how many times we would ask her to leave. Sure I'll stay with Tyler this week but I'll be coming in the mornings to get some books and stuff."

Brendon sighs in relief "thank you so much."

Josh just smiles in response "wanna go get some pizza or something I'm starving."

"Yeah sure let's go." He says half distracted by his phone.

Brendon to Sarah
Brendon: Empty room all week baby ;)
Sarah: i was sleeping now I'm all horny and stuff... asshole.

Brendon giggles at the message and pockets his phone following josh out the door.

"Hey I invited my friends hope that's alright." Josh says.

"Oh that's fine I really wanna meet some new people actually, mind if I invite Dallon and Spencer?"

Josh nods "go for it. Tell them we'll meet in front of the art building in ten."

"Okay I'll meet you there" Brendon says in a half jog to Spencer and dallons room opening the door with a key they gave him.

Brendon had walked in on a lot through the years of being best friends with the two. What he never expected to see though was walking into a dorm to find his two best friends having sex.

And apparently Dallon was a bottom.

A/N someone added this to a reading list called shit that needs to get updated so that's really the only reason I wrote this. Also do you guys want petekey or Rikey?

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