Political talks with squirels

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Sarah sighs looking at her phone. Brendon was supposed to call her over two hours ago what happened?

She groans and opens her contact for her friend Kristin and clicks on the dial button.

"Hey wanna come up to my dorm? Yes you can bring Mikey. Yes. Mhm. Okay see you soon"

she hangs up just as another call comes on her screen. She smiles at the picture. It's from when her and Brendon went to Disney land, the day went horribly and they waited in line for hours and Spencer ended up getting food poisoning and throwing up on Linda on the ferries wheel. But Sarah will always remember it as the day Brendon told her he wants to be with her forever.

She clicks accept.

"Hey baby!" She smiles down the line

"Hey Sarah I'm sorry I'm so late I was at this dorm party and I was looking for Dallon and found him drunkenly talking to a squirrel about politics. It seemed like an interesting conversation."

Sarah let's out a soft giggle "I miss you baby..."

"I'll be there next month hopefully" he smiles and Sarah blushes.

"I love you bren. I love you so much"

"I love you too Sarah... Dallon what are you doing stop! Oh my god I'll call you later baby. Love you!.. DALLON STOP THAT!" Sarah hears the line go dead and she smiles to herself and places her phone on her desk.

Her phone chimes again with a message from Linda

Linda: i miss you come back

Sarah sighs at the message writing a quick reply. Spencer and her broke up after he and Dallon went to LA with Brendon and Sarah went to New York so Linda was all alone in Georgia. Sarah wished she could have taken Linda with her. She missed her best friend. She's made a few new friends here like Kristin Colby and Mikey Way, but still she missed her boyfriend and best friends.

There's a knock on Sarah's door "come in" she calls and the door opens to reveal Mikey and Kristin.

"I'm queer I'm here and I want pizza" Kristin says plopping down on Sarah's bed and pulling out her phone.

"Same" Mikey smiles "hey Sarah" he nods to her politely sitting on her floor. She smiles back at him.

"Hey mikes."

"What kind of pizza do you all want?" Kristin asks covering up the speaker of her phone.

"Cheese." Sarah and Mikey say in unison and they smile at each other.

Kristin rolls her eyes and continues to place her order.

"So Sarah how do you like New York?" Mikey asks and she shrugs

"It's alright. I miss my family and friends... especially my dog."

Mikey smiles softly "I'm sorry. I lived in New Jersey most of my life. My brother moved us here after... well I'll tell you that story when we know each other a little better" he smiles "anyway he and his fiancé have a huge house and you can come over whenever you want. I know it's not like your family but they're both very welcoming."

Sarah gives him a grateful smile "thanks mikes"

The three spend the rest of the night talking laughing and eating pizza. Sarah doesn't even notice when her phone lights up with calls from Brendon.

The next morning Sarah wakes up next to Kristin passed out in her bed and Mikey on her floor. She smiles to herself and checks her messages and sends a quick text to Brendon

Sarah: hey baby sorry I missed your calls I was with friends I'll call you later, ❤️

Brendon phone chimes and he groans. After getting Dallon last night Brendon starting drinking too. He vaguely remembers a game of truth or dare but no it's impossible he wouldn't have... he turns and looks next to him and screams.

Dallon was in his bed with him with a few very noticeable hickeys covering his shirtless body.


Hey guys whats up what do you think so far?

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