The confession

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Ryan woke up with another body pressed against his. He smiles lightly and turns his head to kiss Brendon's cheek. "Morning."

Brendon sighs into the pillow "morning Sar... Ryan." Brendon says quickly, luckily Ryan is too groggy to notice.

"Last night was fun."

"Mhm..." Brendon opens his eyes and looks at his boyfriend. "How was your first time Ryan Ross?"

"It was really... really good." He giggles softly.

"Yeah well you know what's even better than intense first time sex?"

Ryan looks up and quirks on eyebrow. "What's that Brendon?"

Brendon reaches under the covers and wraps a hand around Ryan's dick. "Messing around first thing in the morning." He whispers.

Ryan raises his eyebrows and moans softly as Brendon pumps him into full hardness. He continues to jerk Ryan off while kissing around his neck and chest, and eventually Ryan cums into his hand and on his blanket.

Brendon smiles pulling his hand away and kissing Ryan. "I have class in like an hour, mind if I use your bathroom to shower and get ready?"

Ryan shakes his head and points Brendon to the direction of his bathroom.

As soon as Brendon leaves Ryan grabs his phone and clicks on the contact of his best friend.

"Ryan it's like 8 in the morning what do you want?" Z asks groggily.

"We did it."

"And?" Z says with a distinct smirk in her voice.

"And he's even better looking naked and super good in bed. He was so gentle and it was so amazing Z."

"I'm glad you had fun." Z smiles. "Tell me he didn't just leave right after sex though."

"He stayed all night, he's showering right now."

"Is his phone there?"

"Yeah why?"

"Take a bunch of cute selfies and dick pics for him to find later."

"You're such a loser."

"Are you going to do it?"

Ryan sighs "yeah totally. Gotta go Z I'll talk to you later."

"Bye slut." Z says sarcastically causing Ryan to laugh before hanging up.

He picks up Brendon's phone and stops before opening camera.

New message from Sarah❤️

"Sarah...?" Ryan looks at it confused. Why would Brendon put a heart of all things next to her name? And who was Sarah?

He doesn't want to pry but he also doesn't want the man he just lost his virginity to to be a cheater.

He battles between the two options and before he can even decide Brendon's walking back into the room with a towel around his waist and another in his hands.

"Hey babe... is that my phone?"

"Uh yeah I'm sorry I just... uh..."

Brendon walks over and grabs the phone from Ryan's hand. "Why do you have my phone Ryan? What you can trust me with your virginity but not with my own damn phone?" He yells.

"I'm sorry... who's... who's Sarah?"

"What?!" Brendon snaps, trying to hide the guilty expression on his face.

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