Brendon wtf

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The night went okay up until the point it got to a small discussion on sex, in which Ryan admitted that he was a virgin.

"Well I can fix that." Spencer says his voice only half joking. As soon as the sentence leaves his lips Dallon stands up and throws his drink into Spencer's face before storming out.

"Please tell me that wasn't your boyfriend.." Ryan mumbles to Spencer and Spencer sighs.

"It's complicated..."

Ryan's eyes widen and he glares "you've been flirting with me right in front of him when you were involved with him?!" He screams throwing his drink into Spencer's face. "Go fucking talk to him asshole, whatever was going on with us is over." He stands up and walks over to the counter where the food is being served.

Spencer sighs and does what Ryan says. Once he's out the door, Brendon walks over to Ryan.

"Hey. I don't know you that well but um.... I'm Brendon I'm kinda Spencer's best friend."

Ryan scoffs, "Yeah he's such a great person." He says sarcastically.

"He actually is, he seems to really like you.. him and Dallon had this kind of sexual thing going on and I don't think either of them thought they were dating or liked each other but I think Dallon just got jealous. I don't think he knew he wanted it to be more."

"I still don't want to be involved in some kind of love triangle." Ryan sighs taking a sip of the drink he was just handed.

Brendon nods "Well, I should take them home..."

"Wait.." Ryan says turning to him "Why don't you stay with me for a while? Everyone else already left and your friends can get home themselves... my ride also left." He blushes. "Plus I kinda want to get to know you. Brendon, right?"

Brendon nods sitting down. "I'm Ryan I play guitar and I'm gay..." he giggles

"Brendon, I play almost everything and uh... I'm gay too." He says quickly.

Ryan just nods as Brendon tries to process what he just said and why.

He's not gay. He has a girlfriend, one that's coming in tomorrow. One that he loves... but he can't help feel his heart flutter when he looks at the boy next to him.

"So Brendon, you single?" Ryan asks playfully and Brendon's can't help the next words that come out of his mouth.

"Yeah." He squeaks making Ryan grin.

"To quote my some what ex from earlier...." Ryan smirks leaning in closer to Brendon.

"I can fix that."

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