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Ryan Ross walks through his dorm down to his first classroom. He sighs, his head was fucking killing him. The night before he and his best friend Z went out drinking and he was fairly certain he had gotten drunk. By the time he woke up he had three minutes to get to class and was across campus passed out in some random guys dorm.

He didn't think anything... happened between the two of them but he wasn't sure. He left the guy his number and ran across campus to get what he needed for this class.

His first class today was his guitar lessons. Ryan was already amazing at guitar but he needed to learn different styles and how to perform correctly.

He walks into his class and sits in the back of the room, trying to ignore the throbbing pain his head is giving him and focus on the introduction his teacher is giving.

He eventually zones out and starts thinking about the boy from this morning. He was cute no doubt. He had short brown hair and beautiful chiseled features. Ryan hopes he wouldn't just throw away his number but he probably will. If something did happen it was most likely a one time thing.

As soon as the thought leaves Ryan's mind his phone chimes and he gets glares from around the room. He gives an apologizing look, turning off the sound and unlocking his phone.

Unknown: hey Ryan right?
Ryan: yeah?
Unknown: hey! This is Spencer, the guy from last night.
Ryan: oh god hey. Um I'm sorry to ask this so soon but... did we do anything?
Spencer: oh no we didn't don't worry. I came back to my dorm after my friends passed out and you were asleep in my bed. I think you thought it was your bed. I was too tired to kick you out so I just fell asleep next to you. I hope you don't mind
Ryan: oh don't worry thanks for telling me :) hey are you doing anything today? I don't know a lot of people and I'd love to make friends.
Spencer: I'm actually in a class right now, but it gets out at noon, wanna go to lunch together? I can bring my other friends if you want?
Ryan: sounds great. I gotta go my teachers finally getting to something about my lesson. Meet me by your dorm at 12:30?
Spencer: it's a date

A/N I know this is short guys but eh. Finally some Ryan! I'll start updating all my stories more regularly. Tell me what you think:)

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