chapter 1

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Amelia POV
I rolled out of bed, stumbling into the kitchen for my daily coffee. I hadn't had much sleep last night, having my usual nightmare of pretty much everyone I love dying right in front of me. I shudder and try and shake the nightmare from my head I begin to get dressed into some comfy clothes, knowing I have to leave for the hospital soon. I run a brush through my hair, clean my teeth, gather my things and make my way to my car. it's not long before I'm at the hospital, and I head straight to the attending's lounge to get changed into my navy scrubs. I'm tying the laces to my trainers when I hear my pager beep from underneath the pile of clothes I chucked everywhere whilst changing. it reads 911 trauma to the pit, so I drop everything and sprint down there.
as I turn the last corner, I feel my body suddenly collide with someone else's, and we both tumble straight to the floor. I curse under my breath and rub my head. I feel liquid underneath my fingers and glance at my hand. blood. great, I'm bleeding. I then realise that I hadn't even checked to see who the person I collided with was. I looked up and and saw no one other than Owen Hunt rubbing his shoulder, a pained look on his face.
'crap I'm so sorry' I apologise quickly, getting up and offering my hand to him. he takes it with the arm that's not hurting him and finally looks at my face.
'Amelia you're bleeding! let me take a look' he moved both his hands to gently check my face, obviously forgetting about any pain in his shoulder. as his fingers gently touch my face, I look down and blush, secretly just wanting him to kiss me. see Owen and I have shared quite a few special moments together, including a few kisses outside his trailer, however neither of us know where we want this to go. I did however tell me brother a few weeks ago that I think I'm falling in love with him, which I still think is true.
our pagers snap me back to reality as we once again get paged 911 to the pit.
'I'll just clean myself up and meet you at the pit' I promise.
he worriedly lookes at me,
'are you sure you're okay? you look like you hit your head pretty hard. maybe get a ct just to be safe?'
I laughed. 'I'm honestly fine, that's not necessary.' I'm flattered that he's worrying so much about me though. he reluctantly lets it go and we both say our goodbyes, promising to see each other in the pit soon.

Author POV
amelia finally made it to the pit. she rushed into trauma room 2 to see a hugely built man, lying on the trauma table, being checked by several surgeons. he seemed to be passed out as he laid there, motionless.
'hey amelia, we need a neuro consult when he's woken up' her sister in law, Meredith explained.
'no problem' she answered back. after a while the man had been checked and presented with no internal injuries and only a few small lacerations on his face. amelia decided to wait for his meds to wear off so she could check if everything in his brain was okay.

pretty soon he began to stir, so amelia walked over to grab some gloves. the patient arose quickly, confused as to where he was. the one thing all the surgeons didn't know about this patient, was that he had a sick, twisted mind, that couldn't be explained. he whipped round, saw amelia and grinned slyly. he grabbed her by the hair and covered her mouth with his free hand. amelia tried to scream, tried to get away, but he was at least 6'1 and muscly, whereas she stood at only 5'3. terror filled her eyes as she was slammed onto the exam table, and tied down by anything he found. something was shoved into her mouth, preventing her from screaming, and tied there, so she had no way of getting out. he began to quietly chuckle to himself as slow tears began to trickle from her eyes. she scrunched her eyes together, wishing this was all a dream and that she'd wake up any moment in an on call room lying next to Owen, so he could comfort her.

her eyes snapped open when she realised that he was removing her navy scrub pants. 'oh no....' she now knew exactly what he was going to do and her heart began to thump even harder in her chest. after around 20 minutes, the patient had raped amelia violently, until all she could do was just lay there, no energy or willingness to move. she had struggled for the whole 20 minutes, but everytime she did, he would hit her. in her stomach, her face, her arms, he even grabbed her hair and smacked her head against the table at one point. he grinned and began to clothe himself again. he slipped out of the trauma room, leaving amelia laying on the trauma table, not able to move or even cry, just laying there staring at one fixed point, positive she was scarred for life.

true love, right from the beginning - omelia Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora