chapter 11

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the sun beat down on the 6 army surgeons working that day. a truck of soldiers had been attacked by the enemies and the team of surgeons worked in the intense heat desperately trying to save them. Owen saw his sister loading a patient onto a helicopter and getting ready to transport him. Nathan was there with her, they appeared to be fighting. Megan kept gathering her kit, whilst Nathan made a last attempt to stop her. He saw he was getting no where and returned to his patient.
'Megan' Owen called, walking over to his indignant sister. 'where are you taking him?'
'the hospital a few miles west of here.' she replied, finishing packing her stuff.
Owen stood, dumbfound.
'there's a massive storm brewing in the west Megan. you'll get caught in it! you should go to the one east of our location!' Owen argued, now understanding why her and Nathan were probably fighting.
'that hospital takes and extra 45 minutes to get to, and my patient is critical.' She dismissed his suggestion.
Long story short both Owen and Nathan fought with Megan but she still got on the chopper and flew away, despite their best efforts.

The next day Owen reached into his pigeon whole and saw a letter with his Commanding Officers stamp on it. 
"confidential" it read.
Owen tore open the letter, his face scrunched up in worry. Nathan meanwhile had come over to Owen, seeing his pained expression.
'What's up man?' He asked in his deep New Zealand accent.
Owen was too busy staring at the three letters he had never wanted to read in a letter addressed to him, and tears began to fall down his face. the three letters were "K.I.A" meaning "killed in action" and they were referring to his sister. Owen dropped the letter and made a direct beeline for the tent door. he sprinted out into the desert, the sand being whipped around from the wind stinging his eyes. he collapsed to the floor, his face in his hands, weeping uncontrollably for his little sister. A spark of anger soon sparked within himself, and all he could think was he should have taken her place on the chopper. His anger felt as if it needed to be taken out on something, and all he could see was the sandy floor. enraged, Owen began repeatedly punching the hard sandy surface, blood pouring down his knuckles after around the 4th punch. 

Amelia woke up to the sound of punching and screaming. Terrified, she switched on her lamp, her hands trembling a little. she whipped her body around and saw Owen, stood up, yet asleep. tears were falling down his face and his hand repeatedly smashed into their bedroom wall. Blood was all over his hand, and spreading across the wall. he kept screaming the word Megan, which puzzled Amelia at first but then it clicked in her brain that that was the name of his sister, that he had lost a few years back. she sat on the bed, unsure what to do, fear spreading over her body. at first, she wasn't sure whether to wake him up or not, but when she she glanced at his hand, getting bloodier by the second, she cautiously stood from the bed and made her way round to stand a few feet in front of Owen. i'm going to have to be quick in getting him to stop or he'll end up punching me in the face. She thought. Her hand reached out and her fingers quickly wrapped around his bloody knuckle. she fought his pressure with all she could, but even in his sleep, his strength over powered hers. he broke her attempted restraint, and his fist came quick and fast to hit her in the face. she fell to the floor, pain spreading across her entire face and she let out a small whimper. she rose back up from the floor, her hand clenching her face, her expression wincing. 'Owen?!' she called, both of her hands going onto his wrists and this time she succeeded in stopping them from pounding the wall. Owen's eyes quickly shot open and he became aware of his surroundings. his whole body trembled and his cries came to a halt.
'Oh Owen' Amelia looked sadly into his eyes, her voice full of sympathy and worry. he stared down at her, a hint of remaining terror but mainly sadness in his eyes. she quickly let go of his wrists and wrapped her arms around him, embracing him tightly. he sighed a huge sigh, and quickly returned the hug, burying his head into her hair, gently crying into it.

As she pulled away, Owen's attention was quickly drawn to her throbbing red face, and her slightly swollen and black eye.
'Oh god Amelia! did i hit you?' Owen questioned, his good hand raising to her face to gently probe her injury. she winced at his touch and tried her best to let out a convincing smile.
'i'm fine, i'm going to go get you a cloth and some ice for your hand' she smiled. as she turned, her facial expression changed and she tried her best to bite back the tears. one escaped down her cheek and she went to roughly wipe it away, completely forgetting about her injury. her hand came into contact with her swollen cheek and she cried out on pain. she held the kitchen work surface for a minute to steady herself and pull herself together. once recovered, she grabbed a clean cloth to wipe Owen's blood from his hand and some ice to place over when she was done. she took a deep breath and began to make her way back to their room.

a bit of a longer one for you guys since my last one was super short:) i know the circumstances of Megan's death were a little different in Grey's but i'm not doing all of my story lines exactly how they are on Grey's:) hope you enjoyed!x

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