chapter 6

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the day of the test was here. Amelia had walked around the whole morning with a sick feeling in her stomach, trying to look calm and collected. she remembered her and Owen had slept together the day before she was attacked, and that was the last time they had done it. she thought to herself how thankful she was to Owen that he hadn't pushed or urged her to do anything since her attack, as he understood she was very very nervous to do anything again. they had stuck to old fashioned making out either on the couch, in on call rooms or in bed, which they both really seemed to enjoy.

when the moment finally came for amelia to go and collect the results of her test, she found herself unable to move. she was sat in the cafeteria all alone, and decided to page Owen there so she wouldn't have to go alone. after around a minute, Owen arrived.
'hey babe, have you got the results yet?' he asked. you could see on his face he was dying to know, and was trying to read Amelia's face for any indication of the result.
'they will have been ready around 10 minutes ago, but i haven't been able to bring myself to go. will you come with me?' Amelia asked.
'of course, i completely understand. do you want to go now?' Owen replied.
'uhhh yeah....sure.' Amelia was trying to convince herself as much as she was Owen.

A few minutes later they arrived on the Gyno floor and Arizona met them in a small conference room to deliver the results. Amelia sat there in her chair, her foot tapping nervously against the floor, and she stared into one particular place. her hands were bunched together nervously on top of the table and she was scratching away at her skin on the inside of her palm. she didn't even notice that she had drawn blood, only Owen did. he grabbed her hand in an attempt to reassure them both.
'okay guys' Arizona began as she walked in with a piece of paper in her hand. 'these are your test results here. i'm just going to come out with it okay?'
Amelia nodded, unable to speak, clutching Owen's hand.
Arizona's face broke into a warm smile as she said
'the test came back positive for Owen's DNA, meaning it is in fact yours Owen! i'm so happy for you and i'll give you a moment to process this information. i'll be just outside if you guys have any questions' Arizona slipped out of the room.
Amelia sat in her seat, trembling and tears pouring down her face. Owen laughed and wiped away his girlfriend's tears and pulled her into a tight hug, kissing her on her forehead.
'this is what we wanted right? this is great news?' Owen looked down at Amelia who was still crying.
she nodded, still unable to speak, and buried her face into Owen's chest as he wrapped his strong arms around her once more.

after their long and happy day, Owen and Amelia were glad to get home to the trailer. she hadn't told Owen this, but a part of her was still incredibly nervous that she was pregnant. after the last time....she didn't want to think about the last time. she tried her best to look on the bright side and hope for the best, but that memory was always in the back of her mind.

as they both drifted off to sleep, Owen wrapped his arms around Amelia and Amelia snuggled into his chest. she wondered whether she should tell Owen about her fears, but decided not to, as she drifted off to sleep, still thinking about her unicorn baby.

sorry this chapter isn't very long, will try and post an update soon!:)))

true love, right from the beginning - omelia Where stories live. Discover now