chapter 8

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'you ready to go?' Owen asked Amelia as he pulled his shoes on.
'yep' Amelia answered popping the 'p'. the two were off to Meredith's for her dinner party. Owen and Amelia had made the choice to walk over to Meredith's, since neither of them had had much fresh air that day. Owen opened the door and stepped aside, letting Amelia walk out of the trailer first. Amelia smiled at him and made her way out. The two joined hands and began their walk to Mere's.
'you know, once the baby comes we're not all going to fit in my trailer.' Owen stated, smiling. Amelia's smile slightly faltered at the mention of their baby, her fear slightly returning to her.
'that's true...' She answered.
'you wanna start house hunting?' Owen asked, a small smile forming on his lips. Amelia gulped - not loudly enough for Owen to hear of course.
'Sure' she did her best to smile reassure him. Owen wrapped his arm around her and briefly pulled her into a side hug.
'Awesome, i'll call the real estate agent tomorrow.' Owen beamed. The two spent the rest of their walk laughing and chatting to each other the way an old married couple would. As they approached Mere's house, Mere looked out of the window to see them walking and laughing.
'they look so happy' she thought and smiled to herself, happy that her sister in law had found someone who made her truly happy.

Meredith sat down at the dinner table and made sure everyone had everything they wanted. when the whole table had dug in to their meals, she finally relaxed. this of course couldn't last long, as a knock sounded at the door. she sighed,
'i'll get it', she said making her way over.
'Cristina?!' Meredith laughed. everyone's heads whipped round to look at the door, and sure enough, stood there with the biggest smile on her face - was Cristina Yang.
Everyone stood up and rushed to embrace Cristina.  Everyone but Amelia. she stood there with a frozen expression of fear on her face and her whole body refused to move. When Cristina had finished hugging everyone, she walked over to Amelia.
'Hey, we've met before...Amelia right? Or Amy?' Amelia's mind snapped back into action at the mention of Derek's pet name for her.
'Um.....Amelia is fine, only Derek used to call me Amy.' Amelia tried her very best to put on a small smile, but she couldn't fight the fact that tears were pricking the back of her eyes.
'Of course, sorry.' Cristina replied.
'come on Cristina, let's get you a seat at the table so you can tell me what the hell you're doing here!' Meredith exclaimed, clearly over the moon that her best friend was back. Amelia excused herself quietly, however no one seemed to notice since they were so busy latching on to Cristina's story as to why she was back. Jogging down the hall to the nearest bathroom, she darted in and locked the door behind her. She paced the floor in front of the mirror, trying her best to remain calm.
'what does this mean? is he going to leave me? oh god. he's going to leave me. i'm having his baby and he's going to run off with the love of his life.'
At the thought of this, the tears that Amelia had been trying so desperately to keep down, came flooding out.

Meanwhile, Owen sat at the dinner table listening to Cristina. He glanced at the chair next to him, and realised that Amelia wasn't there. he stood up, apologised and quickly excused himself. He wandered down the hall and it all finally clicked in to place.
'oh Cristina is back. Amelia must be freaking. she must think i'm still in love with her or something. oh god.'
Owen pushed the handle down on the toilet door, and upon discovering it was locked, he whispered,
'Amelia?' he paused, hearing her faint cries coming from inside.
'Amelia, open the door please.' He begged. The door slowly creaked open and there she stood, tears all down her face, her breathing uneven.
'Look i get it. she was the love of your life but she decided to move across the world without any say from you. i get it. of course your feelings for her don't go away. and now you probably want to go back to her, but i'm pregnant with your baby-' the tears started falling again. '-and you probably don't know what to do. but you can go. i get it. i can do this by myself.' Amelia was rambling now and she knew it. she was just terrified of what Owen was about to say. Her rambles were cut short when Owen grabbed her by the hips and shut her up but gently pressing his lips to hers. her ran his fingers through her silky brown hair and slowly parted their lips.
'you're wrong babe. she was the love of my life. over three years ago. now you're the love of my life. and i'm never leaving you. i promise.' Amelia stared up into his blue eyes, and her whole body seemed to relax from the tense way she had been standing. she weakly smiled and wrapped her arms around Owen's lower back, letting her head rest on his chest.  He quickly responded by hugging her back and planting a soft kiss onto the top of her head. she pulled away slowly and looked up at him.
'I love you' she smiled.
'I love you too Amelia, now let's getting the makeup off your face and go eat some food huh?' he said as he gently rubbed away her mascara from under her eyes. they strolled back out into the dining room, hand in hand.

when they appeared again, Cristina's eyes were set on their hands laced together. she slowly leaned over to Jackson who was sat beside her, her eyes still locked on them.
'Owen and Shepherd, are they-?'
'Together? yeah, they've been together for about a year now, Amelia's pregnant with Owen's baby' Jackson replied, smiling. Cristian froze, shock and hurt spread across her face.
'but i came to get Owen back...' Cristina quietly whispered to herself.

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