chapter 4

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Things were almost back to normal. Amelia was back at work, Owen and Amelia were still happy as ever, and Amelia basically crashed at Owen's every night. Amelia was truly happy, for the first time since her attack. Owen too was over the moon, he had the girl he loved and wouldn't change a thing.

Owen was walking to his favourite on call room after a two hour surgery. since it was only two hours, he wasn't too tired, but he still decided to try and get some sleep before his next surgery in a few hours. as he was laying down, the door slowly opened and his beautiful girlfriend poked her heard around. she smiled at the sight of Owen, who turned to sit up on the bed with his feet on the floor.
'hey babe, long day?' Owen asked.
'I'm a bit tired, thought I might get some sleep, but you're here' Amelia smiled.
she slowly made her way inside and sat on Owen's lap, facing him with her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. she slowly leaned in and kissed Owen softly on the lips. he smiled into the kiss and it began to deepen. Amelia suddenly felt a horrible pang of pain through her head, and she vaguely remembered falling over this morning. Owen had already left for work on an early shift and she was left in the trailer on her own. since everything in the trailer was so small and cramped, amelia had tripped on a cabinet door that she was constantly leaving open, and managed to smack her head on the side on her way down. as she remembered this, she pulled away from the kiss. Owen however wasn't satisfied with this, and tried to lean in again. Amelia lent back, scrunching up her eyes, willing the pain in her head to go away. she slowly stood up and took a few steps back.
'I'm sorry I can't...-' Amelia stuttered
'oh wow.....' Owen sadly chuckled.
Amelia looked at him, confused.
'you're backing out again? you're seriously not ready? I thought you were...maybe you were just playing games with me again' Owen stated angrily.
'Owen what are you talking about I just-' amelia couldn't even finish her sentence when Owen cut her off again.
'you know what? I'm done. with your games. your incapability to make up your mind.' and with that Owen swung open the on call room door and stormed off down the hall. amelia tired to follow, but the pain in her head only increased and she clutched the wall, trying to steady herself. the walls around her began to spin and she slowly felt herself begin to fall backwards.

Amelia slowly began to open her eyes, and she quickly found that she was in a hospital room. there was something weird about this hospital room however, as it wasn't on a floor she particularly recognised. shortly after opening her eyes, Arizona walked in with one of the tablets the hospital used to store patient data.
'Hi Amelia, you're awake' Arizona smiled.
'I am, what am I doing here? what are you doing here? what happened?' Amelia asked.
'well you had a mild concussion from a minor blow to the head that will probably bring you a headache pretty soon.' amelia found this to be true and she began to feel a slight throbbing in her temples and clenched her eyes shut.
'anyways, we were doing some tests on you just to rule out anything major, when we found something out.' Arizona seemed reluctant to go on.
'what is it Arizona?' Amelia began to grow worried.
'you're pregnant' Arizona finally breathed out. 'hence why you're on a floor that you probably don't recognise, and why I'm here.' she gave a small smile. Amelia sat there. Dumbfound.
'd-does Owen know?' Amelia stuttered shakily, tears pricking her eyes. Visions of her unicorn baby flashed through her mind, then visions of her fight with Owen.
'no he doesn't, as soon as you fainted he got pulled into an emergency surgery so he doesn't even know you're in here.' Arizona replied.
'c-could you please tell Meredith to tell him everything that happened except from the pregnancy, I don't think I can.' Amelia sighed.
'yep, sure. and Amelia?' Arizona said as she was about to leave the room. Amelia looked up at Arizona it's tears running down her face. Arizona went over to Amelia and reassuringly grabbed her hand.
'I've heard about your past from your chart, but I assure you this baby will be fine, especially with me as your OB' she warmly smiled.
'thank you Arizona, I appreciate that' Amelia replied as she drew in a shaky breath. Arizona then left the room, and Amelia lay down and eventually drifted off to sleep, her head still pounding.

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