chapter 15

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No matter what Meredith said, Owen sat indignantly outside of Amelia's hospital room and waited for Bailey to arrive to take her to surgery. As if on cue, the Chief rounded the corner, set with her scrubs and scrub cap, accompanied by Robbins and their chosen resident - Wilson. Bailey gave Owen and brief nod and entered Amelia's room.
'Robbins, what are you doing here?' Owen asked after acknowledging and greeting Wilson.
'It's a minor surgery but I want to be on hand in case the baby goes into distress.' She replied. Before that point, their baby hadn't even come into his mind, but Arizona's presence worried him, mostly because she wouldn't be there if she didn't think she needed to be. Owen rubbed his eyes tiredly, and was then made aware of Amelia being wheeled out when the door slid open. Thankfully, she wasn't intubated, and she looked peaceful and serene, quite the opposite of her situation. Meredith stood gravely at the entrance to her room, leaning against the door frame as the three surgeons entered the elevator with the patient bed.
'Listen, Meredith-'
'I don't want to hear it, Owen. At the end of the day, it's your problem. But she can only take so much. I've lost count of the amount of times she has turned up at my place, distraught at the way you're acting. She's sticking with you and if I'm honest, I'm shocked. You know she's a runner and I'm amazed she's lasted this long with your unreasonable temper. All I'm saying is she is the mother of your child and I think the love of your life. You need to get your crap together before you make an unreversible mistake and she's gone forever.' And with that, Meredith sauntered off to check on patients whilst Amelia underwent her surgery. Her little speech hit Owen like a ton of bricks and he shoved his head into his hands, taking several deep breaths.
'She's right, I've got to get my crap together.' Owen mumbled to himself. He stood up a little taller, and went to sit in the waiting room.

Owen only sat there for about an hour, but he couldn't help his mind drifting off to all of the possible complications. At only 5 months, there baby was in no shape to come out yet, so he hoped to god it never went into distress and Robbins didn't have to intervene. The surgery was done through the throat, and all they had to do was repair the tear in her oesophagus. After just over an hour, Bailey and Robbins made their way towards him from the direction of the OR whilst Wilson took Amelia to post-op.
'You can breathe again Hunt, the surgery was a success.' Bailey announced. Owen did in fact let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding in.
'She's on her way to post-op and should be waking up in the next hour or so.' Bailey looked to Robbins to check if there was anything she wanted to add.
'Baby Shepherd-Hunt stayed peaceful throughout the surgery, no problems there.' She beamed in her usual, upbeat manner. Owen finally relaxed and thanked the two surgeons before heading back to Amelia's room.

It was the early hours of the morning, around 5am when Meredith found Owen asleep in the chair next to Amelia's bed. Amelia had been bought in at around 3am, since she ran to alert Meredith of her pain whilst everyone was asleep. Owen had tried his hardest to stay awake for her waking up, but fatigue had overcome him from the night's events. Meredith decided to check back up later once Amelia had woken up, and left Owen to doze in the meantime. Around 15 minutes later, Amelia's eyes fluttered open and the beeping of her heart monitor gave away her whereabouts. Before even moving, Amelia surveyed herself and what she remembered last. She remembered finding blood in her vomit, then collapsing in Meredith's bedroom, and she felt a gauze around her neck. Tear in the oesophagus, she self-diagnosed. Next she listened out, not yet moving her neck due to her surgical scar. Above the heart monitor she heard the peaceful and undisturbed breathing of a certain someone. That someone was of course Owen, she had been sharing her bed with that man for too long to not instantly recognise his breathing whilst he slept. She sighed. It was then she remembered why she had ended up at Meredith's last night and Owen's words still stung. The next thought to enter her mind was their baby, knowing she had undergone surgery she panicked momentarily and raised her head to check everything was okay. The scar on her neck sent shooting pains all through her body and she cried out in pain, her face grimacing. She immediately laid her head back down onto her pillow and took some deep breaths. Her yelp had roused Owen from his slumber and he immediately came to his senses.
'Amelia! Are you okay? What hurts?'
She waved her hand at him, mumbling: 'I'm fine Owen, maybe you should just go.' She swallowed and tried to get used to the feel of talking again. Owen sighed.
'I'm sorry Amelia, I didn't me-'
'Do you notice how often these apologies are coming out of your mouth, Owen?' She interjected. 'How many times do you expect me to keep accepting these apologies when you clearly aren't changing?' Amelia questioned, tears pooling in her eyes. Damn pregnancy hormones.
'You're absolutely right Amelia. I've been awful to you, and you don't deserve it. I'm going to work on my temper and I will never say anything like that to you again. I didn't mean what I said last night, I was just angry at Riggs. I can't lose you Amelia, you're the love of my life and I can't wait to meet our baby. Please give me a chance, this will be the last time you have to hear this, I'm going to change, just let me prove that to you.' Owen finished and waited for her response. Amelia raised her hand to wipe away the few stray tears that fell down her cheeks and looked Owen up and down.
'For us to work, Owen, I need you to start opening up to me a bit more. I can't read your mind, I don't know what you're thinking all the time. You leave me in the dark and I can't live like that anymore. You punched another doctor in the face and literally refused to tell me why. If I am the love of your life, you'd trust me, you'd confide in me.'
'I do trust you, Mia. I love you.' Owen tried desperately.
'And I love you, Owen, but you're hurting me all the time, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.' She sighed, answering him honestly. Owen moved to the edge of his seat and grabbed Amelia's hand. She tensed but didn't pull back.
'You won't have to put up with this anymore, Mia. Please let me show you I have changed.' Owen pleaded, clutching her hand in his. It was the tears in his eyes and the pleading tone that pushed Amelia to give him another chance.
'Okay Owen, we forgive you.' She smiled, referring to her and the baby. Owen breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. He lowered his face to place a gentle kiss on Amelia's stomach, then brought it a little higher, combed his hand through her hair and closed the gap between their lips. The kiss was so sweet, Amelia felt herself tear up at his gentleness and smile into it.

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