chapter 7

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Amelia POV:
*it's the day of the first ultrasound. i make my way to the Gyno floor, holding hands with Owen. we're both excited, and have decided to wait on finding out the sex of the baby, all we care about is that it's healthy. our fingers still intwined, we enter the exam room and i hop on to the table, ready for Arizona to examine me.
'hey guys, you excited?' Arizona grins.
i nod and Owen smiles.
as Arizona begins to examine the baby, she asks,
'so you guys don't want to know the sex huh?'
'nope, all we care about is that our baby is healthy.' Owen replies.
Arizona smiles and looks back at the ultrasound screen. all of a sudden, the smile vanishes from her face and she leans in closer, as if trying to get a better look at something.
'what going on? Arizona? what's wrong?' i beg, panic rising in my voice.
'Arizona!' I'm yelling now.
'okay guys, i'm so sorry to tell you this, but your baby doesn't have a brain.' Arizona stares at the floor with tears in her eyes.
'no........ not again, this can't be happening. not again!' I cry, tears are streaming down my face and i'm struggling to breath in between each sob.
'again? what do you mean again?' Owen asks, a shocked look on his face, but also heartbreak from our news. i look at him, terror and pain in my eyes, as i remember we have never even talked about my unicorn baby.*

Owen POV:
i wake up to hear amelia screaming and crying next to me. i sit bolt right up in bed and look over at her.
'no!! please no!!!' she's screaming. she's still asleep, but yet tears are still streaming down her face.
'hey, Amelia? what's wrong?' I gently shake her awake and she's still screaming and trembling in my arms. Without anymore questions i pull her tightly into my chest and hold her while she cries.
'sshh, it's okay, it was just a bad dream' i whisper trying to console her. she's still crying, her tears imprinting onto my pyjama top. her fragile body trembles in my arms and her head in pressed into the crook of my neck. i lean back to look at her tear stained face and my heart brakes.
'do you want to talk about it?' i gently asked.
she shakes her head.
'i'm so sorry for waking you up, and i'm sorry for everything else.' she stares at the floor, actually ashamed that she's unsettled me.
'hey, what are you talking about?' she glances up at me, her lower lip trembling. 'we're in this together, and i'm going to be there whenever you need me. even if it is-' i glance at the clock, '-4:30 in the morning.'
she pushes herself into my chest and wraps her arms around my body.
'thank you' she weakly whispers.
'now try and get some more sleep. i'll be right here if you need anything' i reassure her.
she gives in and lays on her side, facing away from me. i lay beside her and wrap my arms around her frail figure. i don't let myself drift off until i hear her undisturbed breathing, indicating she's fallen back asleep. before i drift off, all i can think of is how awfully i feel for her. she apologises when she's upset, as if it's an inconvenience to me, and looks embarrassed when she's distressed about something. i wish she could understand how amazingly special she is and how much she means to me.

true love, right from the beginning - omelia Where stories live. Discover now