Chapter Five

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A hand pressing again my shoulder startles me out of the midday nap I had been taking. Blinking open my eyes, I look up at the rude person who interrupted my sleep, something that is hard to get during the night.

A familiar face comes into view, a smile on their face as they sit down on the blanket I have spread out across the grass.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asks, laying Rosalie on the small patch of blanket between us.

"Alright," I answer, my eyes fixed on the small baby lying next to me. It seems like she is bigger everytime I see her, growing more into a real person.

"Better than this morning? Taylor runs his hand over Rosalie's stomach, soothing both himself and the squirming baby.

Nodding my head, I try not to think too much about the incident this morning. For some reason, the morning sickness that everyone talks about pregnant people having, crept up on me out of the blue. It was the first time I have been sick this entire pregnancy, and Tate happened to be the poor fellow who walked in on me purging my guts into the toilet early this morning.

He had quickly turned around and bolted, returning shortly with a sleep rumpled Taylor. The omega had just looked at me with a soft look in his eyes, understanding coming over his features. Tate had quickly been shooed away by his boyfriend, his brows crinkled in confusion, but he had gone anyway.

Now, hours later, my stomach is back to its normal state, and I am very appreciative. My experience this morning had not been a fun one, and I hope that this was just a one-time thing. Not likely, but one can hope.

Nodding my head, I look up at Taylor. "Way better than this morning. My stomach feels perfectly fine again."


Neither of us says much more after that, instead choosing to lay back on the blanket and soak up some of the warmth the sun is giving off. It is too hot and bright out to be lying directly under the sun, but underneath the shade of an old maple tree is the perfect place to be.

My eyes are just starting to drift off again when Taylor asks the question I have been dreading.

"Have you talked to Alpha Seren yet?"

A feeling of unease settles in my stomach once I remember the conversation I was supposed to have with the Alpha a couple nights ago. Initially, I was going to talk to him the night that I came back from the creek, still shaking from the close encounter with the humans. But, when I had gone up to see him in his office, he was busy talking to Jesse.

My mate's eyes had widened when he saw me, sweeping over my frame before quickly turning away. The alpha had looked between us, before sighing and leaning back in his chair, asking me to come back later.

I had quickly nodded, then turned to leave, my eyes taking in as much of Jesse as they could before the door closed behind me.

Since then, I haven't worked up the nerve to go and talk to the Alpha. It has been three days since the incident, and I can tell Taylor is getting more anxious with every passing day.

"Not yet," I say, answering Taylor's question without opening my eyes.

A soft sigh comes from Taylor, and I feel the blanket shift as he tries to get more comfortable. "You really need to tell him, Micah. Who knows what those humans were searching for. They could possibly be a threat to all of us and just ignoring the problem could cause us harm in the future."

Guilt starts to pool in my stomach, and it only gets worse when I hear Rosalie's coos coming from beside me. My hand drifts down to my stomach, rubbing at the small swell. Honestly, it isn't much, it just looks like I had a large lunch. But I know that it is a baby inside me, depending on me to keep them safe.

Fate HealsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora