Chapter Eleven

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Grimacing, I run my hand over my chest, trying to relieve some of the burning. This has been going on for the last week or so, every time I eat something heavy, my chest tries to catch itself on fire. Taylor has patiently informed me on multiple occasions that my body isn't actually trying to spontaneously combust, but that I am having heartburn. Apparently, it is a common symptom during the second trimester. He says its natural but I say it's the universe's way of getting back at me for having a pretty easy first trimester.

"Heartburn still getting you?" a voice says from behind me. Turning, I watch as Liam makes his way over to me, Matty toddling behind him and Rosalie settled on his hip.

"Mhm," I respond.

Liam just nods his head before taking a seat in the lawn chair next to mine. It is a hot day out, one of the last ones we will have until next summer. So, everyone is out enjoying it, taking a much needed break from everything we have been doing in preparation for the coming winter.

Alpha Seren and his sons have been out strengthening the fences and trimming the tree branches that are within easy reach of someone trying to get over those fences. So far, everything has been going okay and the fences are more fortified than ever before. Liam, Taylor, and I have been busy canning all the perishable foods that have been growing in the garden and in the small orchard that is located behind the house. We just canned the last of the fruits and vegetables late last night, so now we have to move on to making sure we have enough supplies for the children.

Avery, who apparently used to be a preschool teacher, has been helping out with the younger ones, taking them every morning to the top floor that was converted into a play room and teaching them some basic educational things. The little ones have been loving it, and it has allowed the rest of us to work on everything that needs to be completed. Nik and Andrea have been working a lot with Tate, organizing supplies and working on any repairs for the house. It has been a long and tedious week, and all of us are just waiting to be done with everything.

Liam sitting down in the chair next to me pulls me out of my musings, and for that I am grateful. Worrying about all the tasks that need to be done is not something I should be doing, especially while pregnant.

"Well, apparently Taylor knew that you would be suffering, because he sent me out to give you these." He holds out his hand, and waits until I raise my palm before dropping two brightly colored tablets into my hand. When I look at him curiously, Liam answers my silent question. "Tums, they worked wonders for me during my last couple of months."

Without hesitation, I pop them into my mouth, not really caring for how powdery they taste, but I am desperate to get rid of the burning in my chest. The baby inside me seems to agree with me, because I get a soft kick, bringing a smile to my face. They have been doing that for the last couple days and I could not be happier. It felt weird at first, but now every movement makes a smile break across my face and wish for Jesse to be here so that he could feel our baby moving around, too.

Matty- now that Liam is sitting down- toddles over to me, reaching his tiny hands up so that I will pick him up. Not able to say no to him when he is looking up at me with those wide blue eyes of his, I let him grab onto my hands before pulling him up. He giggles when I bounce him on my knee, but quickly settles into my side.

Liam grumbles something under his breath, and looking over at him, I see that he has a fond look in his eyes as he watches his baby.

"Thinking of having another one?" I ask with a small laugh.

Liam hesitates slightly before meeting my eyes, looking as if he got caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"Oh my god," I say, my own eyes widening in understanding. "You do want to have another baby!"

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