Chapter Ten

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The coast is truly beautiful, something that is hard to find in the world we live in. The sand is soft underneath my feet, warm too, from the sun shining down on it all day.

Laughter coming from Alexis makes me look up from where I had been watching a sand crab scuttle between my feet. Looking over towards the waves, I watch as Alexis emerges from under the water. Her hair is plastered to her face, but she doesn't seem to care too much, just pushes it back before submerging herself again.

Smiling, I allow myself to rest against a large chunk of driftwood. It was probably an old tree at some point, but it has been weathered by the sea so much that it is practically soft to the touch.

We just arrived here, having been traveling for close to three weeks now. My wolf has calmed down completely, seeming to give in to the fact that I will not relinquish control. Maybe it even senses that I don't plan on distancing myself from Micah any longer once I return back to our pack lands. We have both been through too much to just continue to delay the inevitable. Besides, we are having a baby now, which means that we need to get our shit together, or at least that's how Alexis puts it.

The summer heat has been getting worse. If I had to take a wild guess, I would say that we are somewhere around the end of July, maybe the beginning of August. We should be getting back to our home soon, seeing as it would be miserable to be out here once autumn rolls around.

"Are you just going to sit there and brood all afternoon?" Alexis calls from the water.

Leaning back, I watch as she wades closer towards me, but never leaves the water entirely. I don't blame her, the heat right now is terrible, but that water is freezing cold and I don't particularly feel like taking an ice bath.

"You can freeze your ass off all you want in that water, I'll just stay over here and continue my thinking, not brooding."

Alexis just shakes her head, allowing the small waves to crash around her while making her way out of the water.

"Jesse, you're always brooding, either about Micah or something else you are overanalyzing."

Scrunching my eyebrows, I meet her laughing blue eyes. "Overanalyzing? What are you talking about?"

Alexis cocks her head to the right, giving me the universal sign of 'really?'

"You overanalyze everything, especially when it comes to Micah." I open my mouth to protest, but Alexis just shakes her head, cutting off whatever I am trying to say. "Oh no, don't even bother trying to deny it. I have listened to you contemplating every little thing when it comes to your mate. How do you think you even got into the situation you are in now, hm? You didn't believe Micah could really love you, saying that he was too young or that he was just infatuated. Your ability to overanalyze things combined with your stubbornness is a truly troublesome combination."

She sits next to me, getting the side of my t-shirt wet as she leans against me. "Jesse, I love you and you know I will always be on your side, but you really need to just tell that boy how you feel."

Nodding my head, I wrap my arm around my sister, not minding the fact she is still covered in water. "Yes, I know that, and I already planned on doing the whole communication thing once we got back home."

Pulling back so that she can look at my face, Alexis raises a skeptical brow. "Really? I didn't even think you knew the meaning of the word."

Letting out a long sigh, I roll my eyes at my sister, choosing to ignore her last statement. "Well, we have a baby on the way and I love him, so we are going to work this whole thing out even if it takes years."

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