Chapter Fifteen

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Bright sunlight shines into the room, causing me to stir. Peeking open an eye, I see that Jesse is already awake, his side of the bed empty. My hand slides over to the rumpled sheets, feeling the warmth lingering from when he was sleeping. So he hasn't been up too long, then.

Noah stirs in his bassinet, his little coos telling me that he woke up happy at least. He, just like any other newborn, wakes up about every two hours, crying for milk and cuddles. Luckily, Taylor had given us the bassinet that they had been using for Rosalie, making it easy for me to just pick up Noah in the middle of the night. Matty had apparently upgraded to a real bed, even though they are having trouble keeping him on it throughout the night, but that means the crib was free for Rosalie and the bassinet is free for Noah.

Stretching my arms, I try to get rid of some of the tiredness still lingering, but all it does is make me even more tired. With a long sigh, I push myself up in the bed, reaching over to pick up Noah from his bassinet and bring him closer to me.

He still has his pacifier in his mouth, sucking at it contentedly.

"Oh you are so lucky you are cute," I murmur, bending down to press a kiss to his chubby cheek. "I can't wait until you are sleeping more so that Mama can get some rest too."

The term causes a burst of happiness to go through me. At first, I had cringed when Liam started to call me that, teasing me slightly, just as his mates had been teasing him. But it has started to grow on me. There is nothing wrong with being a mom, I just never thought I would be one.

Noah scrunches his nose at me, spitting out his pacifier after a minute. He must have realized that he wasn't getting any milk from it, and the way that he is rubbing at my chest, I know that he must be hungry. It has, after all, been a few hours since he last ate, meaning that he thinks that he is starving.

"Hush, love," I murmur bringing him closer to me. He is just starting to really fuss when I get him latched, causing him to quiet immediately.

He sits perfectly on my bump, making it easier for me to hold on to him. Who needs a pillow when you have your own baby belly to keep baby propped when eating?

My hand rubs along his back, causing him to shiver before relaxing. He is quite the snuggler, always wanting to be held by either me or Jesse. He gets upset if we put him down when he is still awake, crying until one of us is holding him again. It makes me fearful of how he will be when he is older, but Taylor assured me that he is still young, and he has already gone through a traumatic experience. We can hold him as much as we want, but it is something we will have to watch out for when he older.

"You're going to be a big brother soon, love," I say, pressing a kiss against his little hand that is wrapped around one of my fingers.

Noah just blinks up at me, preoccupied with his eating, comfortable in my arms. It makes a part of me ache, knowing that someone else out there had him taken away from them, but the prospect of him not being here now causes an even bigger pain in my chest.

"I'll always protect you, Noah," I say, arms tightening around him. "And Daddy will, as well."

Jesse walks in only a few seconds after I say that. A smile spreads across his face, and just like always, something inside me flutters at that sight of it. He is definitely smiling more, now. More than I have ever seen before.

"Brought you some breakfast," he says, setting the tray down next to me on the bed before slipping in beside me.

"Thanks," I say, giving him a quick smile before reaching over to pick up a slice of apple. "What are you doing up this early?"

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