Chapter Twenty

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"You're going to push the whole thing over if you aren't careful," I say, not able to hold back my laughter.

Since it is winter- the snow falling outside cluing us into the season change- we decided that we needed a celebration after everything we have been through. So, for the first time in two years, we are going to have a Christmas.

Erik and Ethan had grumbled a little bit about it, but it was easy to see their excitement. None of us have celebrated a single holiday since the infected came around. Being able to sit back and watch as the twins and Nik tried to drag in a large, freshly cut Douglas Fir, makes a rush of happiness flood through me.

Now, Erik is sprawled out on the ground, half of his body hidden under the tree while Ethan tries to maneuver it into the perfect position. Matty is holding tightly onto Ethan's leg, his blue eyes wide as he watches his fathers work.

"Perfect!" Nik exclaims, a wide smile on his face. Ethan holds the tree steady while Erik screws it into place.

The fire is crackling nicely in the fireplace, giving off a comfortable warmth. Snuggling further into the arm chair, I watch as Liam and Taylor start to dig into the boxes of decorations Alpha Seren had brought out from one of his storage rooms.

It is comforting to watch as my pack mates move around the room: the twins hanging some garters and the others getting started on decorating the tree.

A small grunt causes me to look down at the two babies sleeping in my arms. Well, they were sleeping. Beckett is blinking open his eyes, meaning that Noah won't be asleep for much longer. The little boy is attuned with his brother, both of them insisting on doing everything together. I never knew that a baby could get so upset, but Noah won't stop crying if he is away from his brother for long.

Sure enough, Noah starts to squirm, his face scrunching up in displeasure. Knowing that they are hungry, just as they are every other time they wake up from a nap, I grab a blanket from the couch and a couple of throw pillows.

Once the blanket is situated, I lift my shirt, getting Beckett latched first before helping Noah. Instantly they quiet down, their little eyes drooping in happiness. Running my hands over their soft skin, I take in everything about them. They are both so perfect already, a piece of my heart.

I cradle them a little closer to me, reveling in their warmth and familiar weight. It is hard to even remember what it was like without them here since they have become such important parts of my life.

Looking up, I see that Avery is bringing in an old CD player, setting it down on an end table. Nik moves over to help him set it up, Olive and Grace 'helping' them by handing over a few CDs. Soon enough, Christmas music is drifting through the air, making it feel even more like the holidays.

It is nice to be able to sit back, watching as everyone else enjoys themselves, laughter ringing in the air. Smiles are everywhere, the room becoming more festive as my pack mates dance to the music.

It is because of me sitting back while the others decorate that I notice the twins, Erik leaning against his brother's side as they talk while hanging up some more Christmas decorations. Erik says something to his brother, making Ethan stop his motions completely, turning around so that they are facing.

Ethan has a look of surprise on his face, and Erik just looks at him expectantly. Finally, after what seems like forever, Ethan gives a shaky nod of his head, a smile spreading across his face. It makes him look younger, the look of delight on his face. Erik says something else, but Ethan cuts him off by wrapping his hand around the back of Erik's neck and pulling him in for an intense kiss.

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