Chapter Nineteen

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Setting Beckett down in the crib, I watch as Noah immediately snuffles closer to his brother, only settling when I scoot him closer and lay a blanket over the both of them. Ever since Beckett was born a couple weeks ago, Noah has been thriving. He hates to be away from his brother, only sleeping when they are together and often getting upset when Beckett starts to cry.

Micah had been worried at first, thinking that we were doing something wrong, but after a lot of assurances, he now finds it adorable. It isn't rare to find him hovering over the both of them while they sleep or cuddling them both to his chest when they start to cry.

Thinking of Micah, my heart starts to speed up. Things have been great ever since I got back, but I still feel as if we are on uneven ground, waiting for something to happen that will cause our still fragile relationship to collapse.

I know that we have barely talked, and the past few days I have been working up the courage to actually talk to my mate about what is going on in my mind. Just like others have told me before, communication is key to making any relationship work, and I am willing to do anything to keep Micah by my side.

Leaning down, I press a soft kiss against my sons' cheeks, watching as they both let out sleepy snuffles. Seeing as it is the middle of the day, light peeks in from the edges of the curtains, giving me enough light to walk out of the room without tripping on anything.

The house is quieter than usual, everyone busy with something. Alpha Seren had decided to set up some of the other houses, getting them ready for any of the pack members who may return with Alpha Michaels. They should be returning any day now, and Alpha Seren has been tense, waiting for them to make it back.

Liam and Taylor had volunteered themselves to set up the two houses closest to the pack house, Andrea wandering over to help them whenever they needed it. Avery has been watching over the little ones, seeming to enjoy teaching them and playing with them afterward. The twins, their father, and Alexis have been busy taking apart some of the more dangerous traps we had set, along with burning the bodies of the dead.

Micah and I had been left with strict orders to relax because taking care of two infants is tiring work. We have both had a hard time with that, neither of us used to being inactive for long periods of time. But being here allows me to watch over Micah, making sure that he doesn't overwork himself.

Wandering down to the first floor, I look around for my mate. He had been in the kitchen when I left, making himself something quick to eat while I had put the babies down for their nap. Now, though, the kitchen and living room are empty.

Sounds start to drift up from the basement, and with an irritated sigh, I walk down the stairs. Micah has been complaining about laundry for the past few days, but none of us had allowed him to do it since it involved too much lifting and bending. Knowing my mate, though, he decided to do it anyway.

My thoughts are confirmed when I see that the door to the laundry room is open, Micah throwing a bundle of clothes into the wash before picking up a laundry basket full of dried clothes.

He is humming quietly to himself, lost in his own little world as he turns to face the door and subsequently me in the process. His eyes widen when he sees me, obviously knowing that he has been caught. When I raise my eyebrow at him, he takes on a stubborn pout, his hands tightening on the basket.

"It's perfectly fine if I do laundry, and this basket isn't even heavy," he tells me, tilting his head up in defiance.

Not able to hold back my smile, I lean forward, pressing my lips against his pouted ones. Micah leans into the kiss, allowing me to take the laundry basket from him without him noticing. When I pull away, his eyes are a little glazed, like they usually are when we kiss, and it takes him a second to realize his hands are now empty.

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