Chapter Twenty-Three

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The house is becoming more and more decorated with every passing day, everyone getting excited as Christmas approaches. The tree stands tall in the living room, fully decorated and even a few strings of lights. Stockings are hung, some of them on the fire place and others on the walls. All in all, it makes the house feel more like home, the sight comforting.

"Wow, Micah, these smell great," Taylor says, walking into the room with Rosalie on his hip.

"Thanks." Setting down the cookie I am working on, I look over at him. "Only have a few more days of Christmas, and I need something to distract me."

A look of understanding comes over his face as he comes closer, standing beside me. "Ellen's turn with Noah again?"

Nodding my head, I look down at where Beckett is sleeping against my chest. Taylor had given me the wrap that he had used for Rosalie when she was younger, and I have to say, it is a lifesaver. With Noah being gone once a week, Beckett becomes grumpy. He misses his brother just as much as I do when he is with his birth mother. So, having him tucked in tight against my chest, only his face peeking out, makes it possible for me to get things done, instead of just sitting and holding him all day.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Taylor says, wrapping me in a tight hug. Rosalie takes the opportunity to grab at my hair, trying to pull it into her mouth. She just giggles when I pull away, placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

"He better be," I murmur, my eyes drifting over to the stairs. Noah is up there with Ellen, has been for a few hours now. "I don't think I will be able to hold myself back if he comes back starving again."

Taylor pulls me into the living room, sitting me down on the couch next to him. Everyone is off doing their own things, the living room empty except for us and the crackling fire.

"Did she really try to nurse him?" he says, settling Rosalie on the plush carpet, where a few stuffed toys are scattered. She doesn't waste any time in quickly crawling over to them, babbling in her own language as she tries to chew on them.

"Yeah," I say, my fingers running through Beckett's hair. "Even after I told her not to. It wasn't even like I didn't leave any food for him. There was plenty of milk in the fridge."

"Do you think she will try it again?" he says, crossing his legs beneath him.

Shaking my head, I watch as Beckett snuffles against me, letting out a tired sigh as he drifts back to sleep. "She better not," I say. "He didn't even get anything from her, came back to me absolutely starved." Taylor lets out a distressed sound and I give a quick nod of my head. "I know, I almost cried seeing my baby that upset. That's why I asked you to get her for me. Told her that if she ever tried to pull that shit again I wouldn't let her see Noah anymore."

"Well, hopefully, she listens," he says, picking up Rosalie when she crawls over to him. She is rubbing her eyes, and it is obvious she is tired. She doesn't fuss though, just lays her head against Taylor's chest. Her eyes start to flutter as he rubs his hand through her blonde curls, reveling in the contact.

"Where did she get the blonde hair from?" I ask, the question popping in my mind from nowhere. Honestly, I have been wondering for a while, just never thought it would be polite to ask.

"Ah, that would be Tate's mom," Taylor says, pressing a few kisses onto Rosalie's cheek. "Elliot's hair is the same color."

"Do you think it will change when she gets older?"

Taylor shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe, but I hope not. I've gotten used to the blonde curls."

We sit there in silence after that, both of us tired from the already long day. Eventually, Rosalie starts to fuss, and Taylor just cuddles her close, nursing her until she falls asleep. He says that she only likes to nurse now when she is tired, and it is easy to see that the weaning is making him a little sad.

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